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Posts posted by destructodisk

  1. wiki says "Vassos" engineered it.

    re: ktothe if that's what NESK was meaning to say, I'd tend to agree, and that's why I enjoy the way of the fist compilation so much. Most of the songs on that are from or predate the cold vein era, and I think that is indeed when vast was at his best. so do I have a pass to listen to it now?

  2. so, i have a debate on "why school's should NOT teach intelligent design (creationism) along side biology (evolution)." I actually do believe that schools SHOULD teach creationism..but i got stuck with this fucking topic..i seriously have no clue what to say/write since i am religious...i'm fucked....please help me... :(

    just ignore the prompt for the body and talk about irreducible complexity and flagella and dinosaurs roaming the earth 3000 years ago and then conclude by saying this is all pseudo science and precisely the reason intelligent design should not be taught alongside actual science. that way you can show your real opinions and thoughts in the essay and still get an A because you demonstrated to the reader that intelligent design is a mockery of both itself and real science. perhaps you will learn something!

  3. wait, are you the same guy that was discussing ATCQ/De La/Digable at length just earlier today?

    or am I missing your real point?

    edit - i seriously have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. too much vapor consumption? I can't tell, your thinly veiled comments always intrigue/incense/confuse me

    also having a rap battle quote from 2007 in your sig is like having a rap battle quote from 2007 in your sig. am i doing this right?

  4. MARIONBEAT.gif.pagespeed.ce.OV2bxjYXuv.gif

    lolol knew this would be a gif the second I saw him do that.

    what a game, Terry woulda had MVP if they took into consideration the last two minutes of the game.

    No doubt Dirk will bring it Sunday, and if Terry, Barea and Kidd continue sinking 3's like tonight I see this series concluded in 6.


  5. I've only already been tripping when I smoked DMT, so my baseline is not that relevant to most. I can say that I saw, felt, and heard the most amazing things of my life ever no matter what. Truly a transcendental experience that I would recommend to everyone except schizophrenics. After all, it's only 15 mins of your life -- why not? I haven't heard of anyone that didn't have an already present or latent mental condition being permanently fucked off DMT.

  6. southfive, I'm an aspiring music producer/drummer. don't really believe in the college level music degrees unless you're trying to teach. I figure practicing on my own every day and getting real world working musician experience is more beneficial.

  7. I feel like I've always been an autodidact, and leaving college was the best decision of my life. I was disillusioned with the whole process, both the academic and social, and choosing to liberate myself from that early on sent me on a path that made me realize what I need to do with my life.

    Now I'm happier, more inspired, less filled with rage, and spend each day doing what I love to do most. If you're in college and are either unsuccessful or unhappy, my advice is to leave. You can always go back, but you can never take back the time you spent suffering in the fog of academia.

  8. You're down in the city aren't you destructo? Is Odell distributed down there?

    I'm in Denver, but Odell is based in Ft. Collins, about an hour north of here, same city that New Belgium is located (although I honestly think Odell is vastly superior). We definitely get all the beers they brew down here.

  9. ^ what kind of work do you do?

    well, I'll be doing as many music gigs as possible during the nighttime, but I'm down to do any sort of part time job to support myself during the day. Manual labor/retail/waiting etc.. I'm up for anything.

  10. never shaved my head before. thinking about doing it. sick of looking like kramer.

    do it, i was rocking long messy top/short sides forever and just buzzed a week ago... feels good man, and i think it looks a lot better too. I also enjoy not having to do anything at all to my hair, i guess i'm in the wrong thread then..

  11. i have to fucking unroot my phone to take it in for a faulty touch screen and loose pussy micro usb port because apparently a softmod like rooting voids your warranty. THEN I HAVE TO WAIT 5 FUCKING DAYS TO GET A NEW ONE & DEAL W/ LAME STOCK VERIZON/HTC BULL$#!7 IN DA MEANTIME


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