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Posts posted by Liberation1945

  1. oh the girl who looked peachy clean but had the lip ring and was drinkin a 40...yo that looks like a keeper type chick ri there...

    yea tina likes to take/give out numbers. uh...

    </internet creepy>

  2. jeep, du, trust me when i tell you this party was wack as fuckkkkkkkkkkk...

    and pizza was mad fucking good. and who was kate?

    if you get kates number i want the blonde chick with bandana number.

  3. so the lady friend had to leave nyc for a family emergency...got off my lazy ass and went out...

    met up with dino(cool as always), nf(cool du), jeepster(tall mofo and sorry i left without saying bye), and sistersuzie(hilarious wow)...

    outta nowhere girl i was in LOVE with weeeeeeeeeks back practically begs me to come to a party her and her friends are at...so we drink, smoke, dance, etc and shes mad close to me holdin my hand all night and shit...she brings me up to the roof and kisses me...im thinkin ooohhhh fuckkkk why NOW and im all actin like a bitch not really touchin her and shes puttin my hand on her tits and shit...fuck man...and she wanted to stay with me when her friends left but i made her go home...fuck man...fuckkkk...

    you know, i'm a dirty dirty man, but i dont like breaking hearts cause it fucking sucks when its done to me.

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