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Posts posted by Liberation1945

  1. im like 75% sure i want it already, but what do some of ya'll think about the floral ann d vest? if it comes down to it and i dont like the print, i'll just have a black vest that has a crazy alternate side...but i do love that floral print...shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

  2. st vincent is that chick you see at whole foods and you freeze up and youre either gonna stare or look away quickly and keep checkin her out and for some reason youre mad interested in what shes buying and then as she walks away the possbility of marriage with this woman pops up in your head cause you know without even knowing her that shes a great cook mad fucking interesting and probably at least decent in bed. fuck yea.

  3. this is part fragrance thread part confessional but:

    the girl i like wears coco mademoiselle and i love it...i tried some on at the chanel store today and its still smelling mad good on me...what do i do? end my life? orrrr suggest something like that for men...i dont know all the terminology i just know smell equals good/bad so school me.

    oh yea, my friend works at l'artisan parfumeur so ive tried all the scents and i really fucking love timbuktu. why do i like it?

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