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Posts posted by Liberation1945

  1. damn son i was supposed to be in this shit too but maybe they were frontin and not really from non no but from a shitty japanese mag but they needed pics or somefin...kinda makes me sad though i wish i was in a magazine. =*(

  2. so i got my fucking ass kicked and while knocked down a crowd of people decided to stone me...metaphorically speaking of course...

    fuck...the new year is starting off baaaaad...but at least i got me some monies...that's happiness...right?

    im growing more and more interested in designers and the clothing they produce, but less and less interested in wearing it...i dunno...just wanna do sorta lazy vintage hipsterish kinda outfits that dont take too much effort or money but still fits nice and shit...

  3. love her. love the relationship. in fact...i wanna be better for her in every fucking way...

    ...but fuck its hard when all of her coworkers (at an upscale lingerie shop) are sexy.

    snk has made me very happy...been spending all my time playing kof and fatal fury and samurai shodown.

  4. fucking...soooo pissed i missed ac...havent seen them live in a minute...fuck fuck fuck fuck...

    and wtf why is sonic youth gonna be no fun fest they should keep that shit seperate.

    anybody wanna grab snow cones or ice cream while the streets are paved with snow?

  5. shit is like...dominos...feel me?

    aight aight so you walk in with your shoes on and you just done stepped over all of nyc and you chillin and you kickin grime around your house like it was a game and shit and so you feel like jumpin in the shower and shit so you jump in the shower and you step outside the bathroom barefoot and so you get mad grime on your feet and wtf why even wash that shit then...damn.

    but yea if a niggas feet smell bad enough for it to be overpowering the smell of dinner then...well that nigga probably aint my friend anyway.

    edit: fuck...my rep power only be 108? fuck is this shit...

  6. ^ some of the shit at search and destroy is wooooooooooooooooooooooow overpriced...i know that's the name of the game with an established vintage store pushing a certain image, but fuckkkkkkkkkkkk you can just beat up and acid wash a levis jacket yourself and put some studs on it...wowowoowoww. this doesnt mean i wouldnt buy something from there...jusssssssss sayin. feel me?

  7. nah i wasnt talkin to you specifically...

    yea keep it trill though my nig, i just bought some potato chips and i aint even look at the brand name i just bought it cause i can...still got some change left over for a tropical fantasy too, feel me?

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