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Posts posted by dokydoky

  1. my poor wheel fell victim to the bay bridge oil spill :[



    be careful all before it happens to you :[

    Looks pretty cool actually. I was wondering why it looked like that in the last pic you posted

  2. You react far, far, far more quickly to sight, because sound takes physical time to reach your ears.

    I don't know how fast you're riding your bike, but when I ride I don't really notice how sluggish the speed of sound is compared to the speed of light. Also, your brain takes longer to react to visual stimuli vs aural.

    The rest of your argument made sense but this part was just retarded.

  3. My Mercier finally came today, so nice for $350. The saddle and pedals are rubbish however, and have been replaced. I replaced the bars too, but that's just because I wanted bullhorns.

  4. why do people always put their brake in the middle of the handlebars?

    Keeps it out of the way. On a fixed gear you don't need the brakes all the time like you do on a road bike so you don't need road style levers.

  5. Eh, on dry denim the chain grease isn't a huge issue. Before I rode fixed I rode an old road bike in my New Standards all the time without cuffing, and while I did get a lot of grease on them, it really wasn't noticeable because the denim was so dark.

    Furthermore, I ride in my Thin Finns with no cuffing and have yet to get any grease on them at all.

  6. Talking about FOBs I saw those and thought; "shoes only a FOB would like":

    Sorry for any orientals who may be offended but its true.

    It may be reading these forums too much, but I like those and I am incredibly white. Of course, they probably only make them in asian man sizes, not to mention I saw someone in Recent Purchases talking about how it was fortuitous that he was able to get a pair for under $400 so fuck that.

  7. not worst but.... pretty bad.

    Came here to post this. Was scrolling down, saw the jacket, wasn't wild about the fit, but it wasn't that bad, scrolled some more, the jeans are alright, scrolled some more THE SHOES! Those shoes! With that jacket! Horrible.

  8. Death From Above 1979 - March 12 2005 @ Koo's Art Center, Long Beach, CA. Pretty big room, but with barely any stage. Crowd was insane, everyone all packed around the stage.

    The International Noise Conspiracy - July 27, 2005 @ The Poison Apple, Los Angeles, CA. Room the size of my bedroom with tons of people in it. 45 minute set that only ended because it was so freaking hot in there.

    The Hold Steady - October 16, 2006 @ The Troubadour, West Hollywood, CA. Every time I've seen the Hold Steady it's been a religious experience, but no time more so than the first time I saw them. Not only are they one of the best live acts I've ever seen, Craig Finn consistently writes the most amazing lyrics, and Tad Kubler plays the best hard rock guitar anyone is playing these days. Furthermore, Tad let me play his guitar while everyone was rushing the stage during the encore:


  9. Nah i dont think he does...not 100% sure!

    With regards to ur 165mm cranks...i guess u should just install it and see how it goes. If u havent got it just get a smaller cages. *save money*

    In like the first 2 seconds of that video there's a close up on his fork, and there's no way you'd get that much clearance without a 650. Those Brooklyn Machine Works bikes have that much clearance, but it doesn't look like one of those in that video.

  10. Case is pretty big, size xxl 46 mm. It's big but I'm not sufu skinny and I have decent size arms. I'll let you know if I have any problems with it but I'm not expecting any within a year or two.

    I got them in black and I like them a lot. They also work very well in the rain.

    I also got these today for $35


    They look so cool, but mine fell apart in like 2 weeks. Really disappointing.

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