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Posts posted by kauflust

  1. yes i would like to go fishing. also, noodling 'cause iit's cool when you do it with bare hands

    yes your pf flyers will get wet but if you cry about it we revoke your membership

  2. confession:

    I was supposed to spend the little money I have at the moment on lunch. Instead I went and spend alot more than I would've spend on lunch and bought 4 books this morning (one is a present though).

    Plus I still bought lunch and didn't get cheap stuff either. I figured I was spending already...

    That's the only thing that gets me really greedy!


    hurrah books!

    I have lots of issues with being insecure and lack of self-esteem. I lost my right arm from a car accident when i was 2 years old- all the way to my elbow. I don't like to show my loss of limb to most of people...

    I realize that it's not a big of a deal, but sometimes I just wish for things like that. But I'm not completely depressed/emotional. I still live a great life with great friends to support me. Maybe I just take my appeance too seriously than I should. I even try to look for jobs without wearing those company uniforms, which is pretty pathetic. Why am I posting this, I don't know... It's just all these little things that tick me off from time to time.

    Can't say I know how you feel dennisk but I do have this pretty big, ugly, dent-in of a scar on my back that shows if I wear just a cami or sleeveless alone...


  3. clearly not a sufu-er but...

    you: a too-tight pink shirt underneath a too-tight brown jacket. stupid man earrings. with too-tight nudies outside genna's

    me: are those slim jims?

    you: uh...these are nudies.

    me: right, nudie slim jims?

    you: i don't know, i just bought them because they fit good.

    i wanted to rip out your earrings and punch you in the face

  4. this might be helpful. true porn clerk stories: http://www.improvresourcecenter.com/mb/tpcs1.php

    "I was bored out of my skull about halfway through my usual nine-hour Saturday Shift of Doom, and I was downstairs putting tags back out. There was only one other person down there - a young guy, not a regular. I'd been keeping one eye on him anyway because he was wearing way more coat than he needed, which is the I'm-gonna-steal-a-box uniform.

    We were on opposite sides of the room with our backs to each other. Gradually, I became aware of movement behind me. I turned around. His pants were drooping a few inches below the waistband of his boxers. He had snaked his right arm up underneath his coat and it was moving rhythmically.

    For a second, I just stared.

    Then, before I knew it, I heard a voice coming out of my mouth. It was a furious principal's voice, a drill seargeant's voice, Sigourney Weaver's voice just as she's about to wax an alien. It came up from the diaphragm, resonating through my chest, deep, powerful and furious.


    He dropped the box he'd been holding and whipped around, eyes huge with astonishment.

    He had been scratching his stomach."

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