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Posts posted by kauflust

  1. i put in my formal request to be a whip / thug / muscle

    1. i have studied jkd / muy thai for 3 years

    2. i currently have a black eye

    3. i have been a bully since i was a wee toddler. i am very proficient in wet willies, chasing girls around with dog poo on the end of a stick, and am an expert in giving figure fours and boston crabs. thank you

    4. i will find a bull dog named Spike if necessary


    10(50), tyro1, and sayword: approved

  2. tri-tip with brazilian sea salt? i'll have to try that

    it's delicious. since you shake off the sea salt, the meat doesn't become overly salty, but it brings out the flavor of the meat. tri-tip, imo, is one of the most juicy and flavorful cuts. and since not a lot of people buy it, you can usually get a good deal on it.

  3. to apply for open positions, post desired position(s) and two reasons why you think you're qualified. one may possibly hold more than one postition. suggestions for additional positions are welcome, but if you also want it, give two reasons. if more than one person wants the same position, you're gonna have to fight for it.


    prez - westside

    vice prez - me

    party whips/thugs - dunkin deeznuts

    club arsonist - clopek

    cootie shots administrator (ie dr cootie)- rome1

    bug expert - rome1

    pogs archivist - sayword

    comic book curator - clopek

    soap box car mechanic - tyro1

    meats man - joey formal

    pokemon and yoyo dude - kenthenoob (slingshot)

    dinosaur experto - cotton duck

    crabcake taster - westside

    level 40 paladin wizard - corbin_law (enchanted longsword)

    regional reps

    east coast rep - joey formal

    midwest rep - kauflust

    south rep - sayword

    int'l rep (oceanic) - tyro1

    west coast rep - dex star (handgun, held sideways)

    reluctantly elected token member due to recent affirmative action legislature:


    under consideration:




  4. collar stains are oil-based. lanolin-based hand cleanser or a paste of warm water and cream of tartar left on the collar for a few minutes and then a regular wash should work. air dry: don't machine dry it until you see that the stains are gone.

    in the meantime, wash your neck more thoroughly.

  5. i dont know, i wouldnt doubt that that was the ideal outfit for the a/e popped collar "bro" of the 1890's. i bet they are also stuck in some child labor system and are swull as shit and could easily rape us a new asshole. they are probably 18-25, evrerryyyone looked younger back then, probably practicing magicians as well (notice how the one on the wall disappeared the hats of the other two, to expose them to the impending rain that the child shaman to his right is about the conjur). dont fuck with these kids, they are the soul of the boys club. child laboring mages.

    haha, sounds exciting. LET'S RUMBLE!!


  6. GOD DAMN stop explaining yourselves... your reasons for wearing what you wore... ladies, take it like a sufu-man increase your post count with more witty contributions to sufu. Take cues from more ladies than bizzy and actually contribute to a board before expecting "helpful criticisms".

    it doesn't even have to be witty! i just don't want to hear "well this has sentimental value; my favorite great aunt, who was a one-eyed crippled mute, gave this to me before she was run over by an ice cream truck, so to me it's stylish" or "ooooh it's so hot all i can wear is this half-shirt."

  7. we all know and love This Is Spinal Tap

    I just watched "The Incident at Loch Ness" (featuring Herzog in front of the camera as he fake-directs "The Enigma of Loch Ness" while being filmed for another mockumentary "Herzog in Wonderland")

    Blair Witch kinda fits in this category, kinda sorta

    as does 84 Charlie Mo-Pic (haven't seen this in a decade or more)

    I am sure there are many more----------any fans of this genre?

    incident at loch ness was great. michael karnow as the crytozoologist and his explaination of why he doesn't use detergent for laundry is priceless.

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