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Charlie Delta

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Posts posted by Charlie Delta

  1. .... Come on, go fuck yourself HF.

    If by HF you mean Hiroshi Fujiwara, you're wrong!

    I'll agree with you that some of their designs aren't completely new and these shoes aswell as the Zahra's are basicly just Vans gone in overdrive, but most of the stuff they've released is actually really creative for as far as I'm concerned.

    edit: England beat me to it, heh.......

  2. “The value of the brand will become diluted if the marketplace becomes crowded with products with similar tabs or stitching to ours,” said Thomas M. Onda, a global intellectual property lawyer for Levi’s.

    On the one hand he's right, on the other there's the fact that "the value of the brand" isn't so high at this moment anyway, and especially for the people who actually buy/bought the infringing jeans.

    Hope that made sense....

  3. in no particular order:

    - Lego

    - Gi Joe

    - Jurassic Park (if anyone still has some lying around and wants to get rid of them pm me!)

    - Playmobil

    - can't decide between Star Wars/ Mask/ Turtles

    I only counted the proper toys, but I also had hours if not days of fun with a wooden stick/sword, slingshot etc.

  4. I didn't get a pair of second hand Denime's wich had no noticable wear on them, fit me extremely well and were extremely cheap, because they were the made in Hong Kong version and I wasn't sure back then if they were legit, but now I am and I feel like an idiot!, oh and a denim geek too!

  5. if I remember correctly arcuate is indeed the name for just the Levi's backpocket stitching, but people on here tend to refer to anything stitched or printed on a backpocket (to a certain degree) as an arcuate, especialy since most (used to) resemble Levi's so much.

    edit: Superstar beat me to it, but has a different theory, anyway, at this moment he has exactly 500 more post than me and joined 4 months later, I however have more rep. I'm ready for the superthrash!

  6. Post them here, I'll start:

    It's from a while back already so people might already know it.

    I just rediscovered it: Zookeeper!

    You have to allign at least 3 animals by switching them left/right, up/down for them to dissappear tetris-style, you'll get points and go levels up where time goes faster etc.

    It's great fun!


    I'm still looking for a downloadable version, if anyone knows of one, let me know!

  7. Here's what I ride daily:


    It's a pretty old Peugot and it makes me go fast! I think the colour is quite cool in a goofy way. I need to take proper care of it though since it still has all these old parts and the back tire is basicly falling apart. I just never get around to doing since I need it everyday.

    It has way too much stuff going on with gears and brakes and what not, but since it was a gift and it's old(ish) I don't want to fuck with it so I'll leave it like it is.

    I'd like to put a more minimalistic bike together one day, but I won't go for a fixie since traffic is too crazy in Amsterdam and I ride way too wreckless/dangerous.

    edit: I should've taken the lock off for the pic, but I think you guys get the idea.

  8. Maybe this should go in thrash but I figured all you denim heads might like it.

    I found these Live's Strauss & Co's while thrifting yesterday, while I couldn't be bothered to actually pay for them I did make some telephone pics to share on here.

    I think they're quite clever, and am surprised that I've never seen or heard about them before. The denim was nothing special, it was just these details that did it for me, they even have a Big E. The guy whose stall it was also didn't have a clue what I was so excited about and why I was taking pics, he hadn't even noticed that they were fake and just had them on a pile of Levi's.

    How's this for trademark infringement?





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