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Posts posted by travisio

  1. ^are you making a joke? i'm not an expert dietitian but that doesn't sound like it will accomplish what the original poster wants to accomplish. weight training will burn fat but it will also build muscle. squats and calf raises won't make his legs any smaller than bench presses or bicep curls because spot reduction is a myth.

    just watch your diet and do lots of cardio. i feel your pain though, i used to have 24" thighs and nothing fit well besides repros. i lost 15 lbs over the summer just running 20-30 min 3-6 times a week and eating 4-5 small meals a day instead of 3 and cutting down on snacks and drinking.

    or go on the coffee and cigarettes diet.

  2. i'm pretty sure the size is a bit of an illusion. unless that's a shampoo-sized bottle of lube with a business-card sized price tag, i don't think it's actually that big.

    ok maybe i'm exaggerating a little bit but i don't think it's that grotesquely oversized.

  3. i think we're all addicted.

    Drug addiction signs:

    • Increase or decrease in appetite; changes in eating habits, unexplained weight loss or gain.
    • Smell of substance on breath, body or clothes.
    • Extreme hyperactivity; excessive talkativeness.
    • Needle marks or bruises on lower arm, legs or bottom of feet.
    • Change in overall attitude / personality with no other identifiable cause.
    • Changes in friends: new hang-outs, avoidance of old crowd, new friends are drug users.
    • Change in activities; loss of interest in things that were important before.
    • Drop in school or work performance; skips or is late to school or work.
    • Changes in habits at home; loss of interest in family and family activities.
    • Difficulty in paying attention; forgetfulness.
    • Lack of motivation, energy, self-esteem, discipline. Bored, "I don't care" attitude.
    • Defensiveness, temper tantrums, resentful behavior (everything's a hassle).
    • Unexplained moodiness, irritability, or nervousness.
    • Violent temper or bizarre behavior.
    • Unexplained silliness or giddiness.
    • Paranoia -- suspiciousness.
    • Excessive need for privacy; keeps door locked or closed, won't let people in.
    • Secretive or suspicious behavior.
    • Car accidents, fender benders, household accidents.
    • Chronic dishonesty; trouble with police.
    • Unexplained need for money; can't explain where money goes; stealing.
    • Unusual effort to cover arms, legs.
    • Change in personal grooming habits.
    • Possession of drug paraphernalia.

  4. so you mean you actually save more power and fresnel zoomed heads concentrate more light, correct?

    something like: 24mm zoom 1/16 snooted versus 105mm zoom 1/16, the 105 would give off more light

    what kenmon was trying to say is that snooting vs. using a fresnel zoom head is different. with a snoot you'll basically get exactly the same intensity of light as you would without using it, just over a smaller area. that area will be exactly the same brightness regardless of the snoot, it will just be a smaller area. a fresnel zoomed head will make that smaller area brighter by concentrating the light over the area, a fresnel zoomed head is essentially a convex lens.

  5. i got pretty trashed on friday night and i woke up in my bed with a bottle of peppermint schnapps in my backpack. now i'm trying to figure out what to do with it, i don't want to make hot chocolate and i can't think of anything else besides other liquors that it would taste good mixed with.

  6. for internal use: fish oil

    does anybody find that fish oil gives them weird dreams? i took it for a couple weeks last semester and it consistently gave me very weird dreams. i enjoyed them but i thought it was weird, my friends took it and some of them had weird dreams too. i left them at my friend's room and never bothered to buy more though.

  7. i think most levi's are cut with the assumption that they will be pulled down below "normal". i've only had luck with old models that fit tight across the hips to avoid clench butt.

    it's actually the opposite. most levi's are designed to be worn at the traditional waist which is one of the reasons why when they are sagged, there is a lot of extra material that bunches up unnaturally. additionally, levi's have a slightly roomier seat to give construction workers, miners and cowboys a greater range of motion.

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