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Posts posted by travisio

  1. my friend let me borrow his d70 so i've been adjusting to digital, it's a lot of fun.

    does anybody know a good, free alternative to photoshop? i don't really need all of photoshop's crazy features but i hear so much about levels and curves and about using them to somewhat repair botched exposures, seems like useful stuff.






  2. So I officially decided that I'm going to be getting the Pentax K100D DSLR for christmas this year. I had a chance to check it out today while I was in the mall at Ritz Camera. I can honestly say that I'm happy that it's similar to the K1000 that I've been using for the past few months. I also like the fact that Pentax decided to make their DSLR so that you can take any lens that they made and put it on this camera. Anyone have an opinion on this camera?

    have you heard about the k100D super? i think that one kind of just replaced the K100D, it has sensor cleaning and supports lenses with internal focus motors. it's also the one i'm pretty sure i'm going to buy.

  3. i just finished crusing around campus on my board for a couple hours doing stupid stuff. riding to subway to get a chicken, bacon ranch sandwhich w/ salt&pepper; tagging porto-potties and air conditioners, talking to random people that don't have anywhere to be, taking pictures.

    i talked to this guy who dropped engineering for philosophy and said it was the best decision he ever made. i'm pretty sure he's retarded, i'm glad he has nothing to with bridges or airplanes.

    i kind of wish the rest of my life could be like this.

  4. ^no thank you, i have thought about it though.

    what exam was it?

    statics. i completely forgot how to take moments about an axis that isn't the x,y or z axis and a bunch of other dumb stuff. it's mostly my fault for slacking off.

    your going to pass and be stuck there forevarrrr!!

    that would be nice, it's kind of what i was planning on when i applied to engineering school.

  5. i'm 90% sure i just failed an engineering exam and i told myself if i failed this one i'd drop out of engineering school. i'm really not sure if engineering is for me but it's all i've known since 7th grade and everything else sounds stupid or too risky for me.

    and also i have diarrhea.

  6. i just hooked up with a vietnamese chick that' sinto urban outfitersa nd ksinny jeans. and vans. i'm bad person

    i'm drunk

    i'm eating a chinken backen ranch with SALT AND PAPPER! SUCK THAT!

    i'm very drunk.

  7. confession: i go crazy for hipster girls in skinny jeans and vans. i should know better than to dig these stupid urban outfitters whores but it's just so irrestible. i made love to a girl with raw skinny jeans that stacked oh so lovely on a pair of slip-ons.

    and also, i need to stop drinking.

    does anybody know the post where someone was like, "HADUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUNDUN!", i tried searching for it but i didn't get the number of "DUN" 's correct.

  8. ok, stupid stuff. i wrote this on someone's facebook after a fifth of my roommate's vodka.

    "you never really see the eyes of very attractive women. they're just slits.

    unless they have blue eyes. in that case, that's all you remember about them.

    there's probably something significant and poignant about this."

    see? so stupid. i'm going to sleep.

  9. i drink too often and then i do dumb stuff like make dumb posts on the internet. i can still type and think kind of alright when i'm drunk so people just think i'm being dumb. for instance, i'm drunk now.

  10. when you add salt and pepper the sandwhich doesn't taste strongly of salt and pepper the same way it would taste like mustard when added but it does add something to it. one of my friend's ate one of my wraps that contained salt and pepper. aside from the salt and pepper it was rather unremarkable but she felt convicted to ask what condiments i put in it. now she's a believer.

  11. sounds like a sad summer :) .

    salt and pepper are unnecessary items that just make your sandwich unhealthy.

    it was a pretty sad summer.

    i'm not being critical when i ask this, i'm just curious. have you ever tried a good sandwhich and then tried said sandwhich with salt and pepper? as with drugs and anal sex, don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

  12. clearly you are so noobish u didn't understand it was a joke

    ugh, sorry. sarcasm is so hard to pick up over the internet unless it's ridiculously obtuse..

    i'm not noobish enough to not know about the sarcasm meter (0)

  13. low?

    that's more than the average price for jeans by evisu, sugarcane,samurai, sda, etc, in japan

    i just expecting that based on the price of all of their other pieces, their jeans would be a bit more expensive. atleast 300usd was what i was expecting.

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