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Posts posted by travisio

  1. that's really awesome! i downloaded a jacking video that was incorrectly labeled "uprock battle" and obviously i was a little confused. looks really hard though, i don't have anywhere near the coordination for that.

    i'd pay to see keagan jack. (no homo)

  2. i was thinking about this. when does it turn from "dancing" to "cool things i can do with my body"? honestly, sometimes i see stuff and it looks cool but i don't know if i really feel like it's dancing.

    i dunno, maybe it's one of those things like art where "it's art if i say it's art".

  3. for the longest time i've wanted to dance in public without: a)drinking b)waiting until pretty much everyone else is dancing and i give in to not seem weird. it's something i've wanted to do for a long time and i think i'm finally ready to let loose.

    this video played no small part in this.


    sad part is, now i don't have any time to dance.

  4. Better-looking people tend to have better personalities, though.

    ...they get treated better because of their features. Biology is unfair.

    i think better looking people tend to have personalities that are closer to "ideal" whatever that is, i dunno about "better" though. most good looking people that i know don't really have much character, it's the above average but not amazingly beautiful ones that have the great personalities in my experience atleast. also, the weird ones sometimes. whatever, i'm just posting because i can't sleep.

  5. if you could change the kind of people you're attracted to so that you're be hopelessly attracted to homey looking girls would you? i mean like, so attracted that you wouldn't even care that your friends made fun of you for going out with an ugly girl. i say maybe.

  6. Hi Freshstrokes

    I have to say if you can't even do your jeans up or if buttons are popping open then they are too tight. I mean come on! Diors stretch but not by THAT much and when you wash them they'll just shrink back down. Most dry Dior denim is actually pre-washed (but nobody here ever tells you that or seems to be aware of it) and so it's not like buying a pair of dry Levi's where you should size up a couple because of shrinkage. You won't get any more shrinkage on a pair of raw Dior jeans than if you'd bought a washed pair. 'fraid it's true.

    If I were you I'd send those back sharpish and go and buy a pair of jeans that actually fit.

    Best wishes


    just wanted to correct some misinformation. raw dior's are infact unwashed. they won't shrink very much because they're sanforized, not because they're washed. they will shrink a little bit more than the washed dior's but it's negligible.

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