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Posts posted by swooc

  1. I only just got the PBJ so they arn't stretched out from wear. The other 3 have stretched.

    Waist: 31

    Hips: 32

    Thighs (widest): 20

    Weight: 150lbs

    Height: 5`9

    PBJ xx-005 Black

    size: 31

    Just got these so havn't worn them much. My legs can probably fit into a 30 (i have chicken legs), but the waist in these 31's are about as small as i can handle. Also for anyone worried about these being dark blue, they are black. The difference in colour is obvious when you put these next to a pair of really dark indigo jeans.


    Lee 101z limited

    size: 30


    Imperial Dukes

    size: 32

    Sized up one to get a baggier look (inspired by brinbro's fit even down to the shoes lol). A 31 was the perfect size if i wanted the slim fit of the dukes.



    Dior Italian 21cm

    size: 29


  2. I've got a nuptse or whatever is called north face jacket. The thing i like about it is, it keeps you really warm and at the same time not over heat and sweat like a pig. But yeah Australian winter isn't really that cold, i've only worn mine like 2 or 3 times ever since i got it. But i do remember Melbourne being alot colder than Sydney.

    Speaking of Aus winter, how about those guys who wear a pair of stubbies and a wife beater all seasons even in the snow! And to top it off they still sweat as much as they do in summer.

  3. I think BiG ships internationally for free. If that is so, then the price you pay from BiG is not that much different to the price you pay from a japanese hookup.

    Theres also take5 from HK, but i think that is your most expensive option.

  4. was your 31 dukes really tight initially? If you had no problems putting and buttoning them up at first, you might be able to get away with a 30 in pbj, but 31 would be on the safe side.

    I got mine from japanhookup whos on hiatus atm. There wasn't much difference in cost to get them here between the 2. If you are in the US, it's proabably best to get them from BiG.

  5. Alright recieved my pbj black one-wash today. I bought a size 31 and they fit perfect in the waist (a little effort is needed to button them up). My dukes are 32 so i can't really give an accurate comparison between the 2, but i have tried on 31 dukes. From what i remember the thigh area is about the same between the 2, a tight/snug fit but not painted on tight. The pbj's width below the knee is a little bit slimmer imo, but that could be because the dukes were alot longer thus making it seem baggier from the stacking below the knee (but it was still quite slim). The rise on the dukes are a tad higher.

    For anyone thinking of purchasing a pair of pbj, get your true size, unless you have really skinny legs and need to size down 1 to compensate. My thighs at the widest is 20" so i have relatively skinny thighs.

    In terms of the fit, i prefer the pbj over the dukes in the same size.

    I hope all that helps, if not ask away!

  6. With the being awake and body can't move thing, that happens to me almost every time i sleep now.

    I'm actually afraid to sleep.....

    Back to topic, i had a dream about fighting magicians with kurt russell and van damme as my side kicks. I fucking hate magicians.

  7. my major interest inside life is industrial design

    I was in the exact same situation 5 yrs ago. My interest is also industrial design and it was either between that or accounting. Looking back, sometimes i wished i went with the design route. Like you, i also chose accounting because i thought the pay is good. This is somewhat true, however it shouldn't influence your decision. You are better off working in the area you enjoy most and when you enjoy your work you will be alot happier regardless of how much you get paid at the end of the day (though the pay in industrial design is pretty bad lol).

    I'm not saying go do industrial design instead of accounting, but really spend some time thinking about it. If all else fails, you can always do a double degree to get best of both worlds, but that will depend on your willingness and how much motivation you have.

  8. Accounting is definately not a easy job unless you want to apply for simple book keeping role. I don't know what accounting is like in the US, but here in aus it only pays alot when you are in high positions and the work hours you get is not worth it imo. Also the fact that you pretty much need to become a CA to actually make some decent amount of money in accounting is something you should consider. Oh and also the membership fees you need to pay.

    Aside from that, accounting is actually a pretty good skill to acquire. The things you learn throughout an accounting course will become very useful later in your life.

    I find law quite interesting and fun to learn also.

    If you want an easy job and good pay, you can look into blue collar work or look into management.

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