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Posts posted by drgitlin

  1. I actually just found the tee shirts from Games Day 2000-2003 which my Moms had stowed away in a box... like bron, what I really cared about was painting the models, but I did play.. I think I must have at least 5 seperate armies for Warhammer and 40K, and I did go to Games Day for 3 years straight... HAH! But I haven't played or painted since 2003... but the yearning is still there....

    Holy fuck that makes me feel old. I went to Games Day 87!

    Still got all the miniatures in storage somewhere in the UK though.

  2. I bought a pair of those from the Levis store in NYC back in 1998, and there's no way those jeans are worth $500. Compared to the 1920s 201s the denim isn't in the same league - it doesn't fade nicely and the cut isn't as good.

    As others have pointed out, some of the Japanese repros are a much better buy. My Samurai 526 VXs are good, and there's the SDA D01s.

  3. Interesting article, back from before Mossimo sold out to Target. I remember growing up in London, Mossimo used to have almost as much cachet as Stussy. Never understood the whole Supreme hype though, guess that makes me odd.

    I'm glad to see Stussy are going back to their roots a bit this season - they've reworked my all-time favourite tee:


    One of those was from Nordstrom in LA in 1991, and the other one is this season's.

  4. if you wear it, it will wear off....i think someone else has a pair of evisu's completly blank pocket now because he wore them off. but the silkscreened ones are a bit different...

    That would be me. Wear them, wash them. The paint will come off and fade. If you're really anal you could scratch away lots of the paint with a fingernail.

  5. For all of the LVC 201s I've encountered, the cinch is all but useless for tightening the jeans, as it has no teeth to grip the cinch.

    As far as my other cinchbacks go, you could just use the cinch to tighten them, although to be honest a belt is a better solution. Mostly, I buy cinchbacks because I like them, not so much because they're a better solution to keeping my trousers up.

  6. I'll tell you, apple has some very nice looking products, but again, I REFUSE TO SUPPORT THE IDEA OF A $1000+ standard computer. The quality of mac doesn't justify it. How many PC users have ever had to replace a mother/logic board? Everyone I know who has a mac replaces that shit like once every year..and sadly enough, as with any company....with increased demand has come decreased quality...believe me when i say that...

    It's a lot more than the 'quality' of the hardware, and FWIW I have plenty of anecdotes that are opposite to yours. OS X doesn't run on Dells or Gateways, and it's more than worth the apple tax for me to not have to use Windows.

    Oh, and the mac laptop range are more than competitive when compared to PCs.

  7. I would actually like to get that software that lets you run both at the same time. Right now though PC for business applications.

    You mean the way you can with the intel macs?

    You can run Windows at the same time thanks to software like Parallels.

  8. I have a pair of 526VX, which are another cinchback that Samurai make, although these aren't as skinny as my SC1947s. Then again, 201s weren't particularly skinny cut either.

    I think the SD D01s are going to be next on the list.

  9. I also changed computer and lost a bunch of emails, so if you haven't received a reply, please just send me an email again and I'll do my best to reply as promptly as I can.

    Also, I've been ridiculously slow lately because of other things outside the service, but don't worry, every orders have and will be made and shipped... just a bit slower.


    Does that go for an email sent yesterday?

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