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Posts posted by faust

  1. Why no Bergforfs?

    What does Famous Friends carry?

    How is Odin?

    Any other toruist traps that are actually worth it like the Empire State building?

    You can go to the top of the rockefeller building. the kicker is that you can make reservations and don't have to wait on line for an hour to get in.


    Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge is de rigeur! It's the coolest thing you can do as a tourist.

  2. you might want to strike Bergdorf off your list. If you are going to Balthazar for food, it's overrated - for people watching should still be good. You might want to try Schiller's Liquor Bar instead, it's another McNelly place on LES.

  3. Bump. If you any of you interested IF boutique in NYC is experementing with these. They got some selvege, zimbabwe cotton pairs for around $400. I don't know if it's a good price or not, I'm not too familiar with denim. They looked and felt good though.

  4. /\ True, but what makes you think I'm locked into an image? Yea, I think he's more positive than me in a way that he can shoot a girl in leggins and still find something positive about her. I was just thinking that when I walk on the streets I constantly see different kinds of people who dress well, and not necesserily in the clothes I'd wear myself. It would definitely be different (I doubt I'd shoot so many suits), and it would be just a part of the blog. Anyway, I doubt I have the time to do it, unfortunately. Thanks for the feedback!

  5. It's funny, here in Belgium beer is a true religion....You might even not know but most of you guys are drinking belgian beers...:-)

    Grimbergen, Leffe, Chimay, stella, jupiler, delirium tremens, Duvel ,Bellevue and so on ....

    Tell me the beer you drink and I'll tell you who you are...:-)

    See post 120 and tell me who I am :-)

  6. I saw someone wearinga sleeveless hoodie while jogging in a drizzle the other day and I thought it was a great idea for these hot/wet summer days in the city. It wasn't a zip up, it was one of those that you slip over your head and has the one pocket on the stomach (you know the kind with two openings so thatyou can put your hands in them together) except the sleeves were missing. I don't know if he cut off the sleeves or if he bought them that way. Anybody seen these for sale anywhere?

    Cloak did a nice version back in S/S 05 - I sold a boatload of them on Ebay a while ago. They were supersoft, almost kept one for myself, but it's not my style. Anyway, I don't think it's such a great idea since the hood laying on your back = three layers of fabric = sweaty back ;-)

  7. I've just finished Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. It's one of the most disgusting books that I've read - especially the first chapter "Guts" with the bit about the "snake" - you'll know what i mean if you've read it. Urgh:eek: . I've just started Beneath The Underdog, Charles Mingus' autoboigraphy. I'm about five chapters in, and I'd seriously recommend it. I'm not a huge jazz or Mingus fan, but he was a clever guy with an interesting life - he spent time as a pimp and in an institution, as well as being an amazing musician, band leader, and sleeping with 23 women in one night. The book's well written too.

    All time favourites:

    Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    Knut Hamsun - Hunger

    James Ellroy - The Black Dahlia

    Hunter S. Thompson - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

    John Fante - Ask The Dust

    Graham Greene - The Quiet American

    William Burroughs - Junky

    Alexander Trocchi - Cain's Book

    and more recently Michel Houellebecq - Atomised

    I heard/saw him read that part at Columbia - two people had siezure - I don't know if it was just a prank, but it was freaky.

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