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poopie boy

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Posts posted by poopie boy

  1. i really need the joey dischords in blue in a size 30.. i've tried, opium, bluebee, and HTC and none of the american rags have them either...

    do any of the other april 77 stockists have them? i can't check myself, no long distance for me!

    i don't want the black dischords just the blue ones.. can anyone help?

  2. i'm looking for a size 30... i already checked HTC (haven't talked to scott though) and they only have 1 pair in sz 25 left.

    i need a 30, anyone know where? and where is opium, i heard its in l.a. but i don't know where and can't find them online..

  3. some are dope some are not. what is kind of disappointing is that each line has a stand out shoe, instead of 3 or 4 standouts..

    that being said, i own 1 pair of the crossword vans from the 2nd line, but i want the graffiti ones and maybe the prison issues, too.

  4. houndstooth is in in a big way, but that doesn't mean that once the general trend passes, a design as classic as that will somehow look 'out'. the cloak houndstooth in question, fyi, is a vest, not a cardigan, and i can attest that it looks both classic with a jacket over it, and rock and roll with a pair of skinny jeans... also, you can't tell from the photo but the back is vertical black and grey stripes...

    man, you just made it sound so much better... i was hoping it was a vest and not a cardigan. do you know what season it is from?

    i'm on the lookout.

  5. i haven't seen anyone out here with a double breasted cardigan ever.. so i can't imagine them being out of style if they've never really been in style?

    also, i don't really wear "whats in style" or what isn't, i just wear what i like.. i thought thats how everyone on this forum was?

  6. its not wankery man, its just not expected in a "what are you wearing today" thread on an internet message board.

    besides, the meanings that can be interpreted from a picture who's intent was soo simple is pretty cool to people, too. as opposed to a crazy looking picture of iraq that is meant to show how crazy looking iraq can be, of course.

    let him get his props.. besides, seeing as how the internet works, people will have gone back to normal by tomorrow.

  7. darkanimal can handle the NYC area..

    i am more than willing to do the LA area, there is tons of shopping to be done here, including a pretty damn good dior store.

    i've helped out a handful of sfers before, but as far as supreme to get mass quantities of shit.

    before anyone asks, if you do want anything from supreme it HAS to be a medium, small, and sometimes XL (i do buy stuff for my friend that they know, so they are cool with it)

    i know basically every damn shop in the LA area, of any styles of clothing (i wear everything from supreme to april 77 to vintage to marc jacobs.. so let me know.

    i charge 10% of whatever it is, 20% for supreme/union/undefeated..

    basically just PM me, i check my PMs religiously..

    let me know what you want, i'll call, check if they have it, go pick it up, ship day the payment is recieved.

    i can also do online orders.. i'm pretty sure me and darkanimal can run this place for US orders for anybody.

  8. just for the idiots who think they know everything...

    supreme makes smalls in jackets and some long sleeves as far as i know.

    i have seen size smalls at supreme l.a. in random items every season.. the only thing that has never been in a size small are the tees.

    just when you think things should be stickied..

  9. dunaj thats exactly how my apc sz 26 fit.. like.. exactly.

    just try to make sure they don't stretch at the knee too much, or else your gonna get knee bags..

    on another note, do you know if that beverly hills store has another size 27 by any chance? if so i might go check it out. i've been looking for some black raws with no designs on the pockets (i don't mind the darts).. i was thinking about the april 77 black raws but i think they wouldn't be thick or stiff enough.

    i want something more like my size 26 new standards..

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