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Posts posted by diewhitegirls

  1. fixed it for ya.

    Reasoning can be found below.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dtqzRxUHnY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dtqzRxUHnY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    Good sir, I know when to admit that I was wrong and I today I was wrong.

  2. I would fuck Jessica Alba until my semen ran out of her ears in rushing torrents of flowing ejaculate.

    Cameron Diaz would be drawn and quartered.

    Scarlett Johannson would be the one I marry because she could certainly feed a litter of our kids with those sweater cows.

  3. She's cute.

    I would hit.

    But don't marry her.

    Unless she works out.

    Cuz she'll get fat.

    You can already tell.

    It's very funny that you would mention that she would get fat. That's Sarah Palin's daughter, who is currently under the beginnings of interwebs scrutiny for actually being the mother Gov. Palin's "5th" kid. A lot of scrutiny is going into that bulge in her stomach and the lack of bulge in 8 month pregnant VP nominee.



  4. Let me get this...you people are gearing your bikes so that you can skid, as opposed to gearing it for, say for instance, going fast? Matching your location? Hell, anything other than for braking? That's what they fucking have brakes for.

    No, I'm not starting a new brakes/skid argument. Really.

  5. ^^^^

    I know it's just a picture, but something looks seriously wrong with that bike. That seat is entirely too low for a frame that size unless you're one of those long-torso/short legged people. Or maybe it's the BB being really high? Maybe a super short crank arm? I dunno what the hell it is, but it's driving me nuts.

  6. malaesthetique ,stop defending the indefensible.

    ugly Part of Speech: adjectiveSynonyms: appalling, awful, bad, base, beastly, crabbed, cranky, dangerous, despicable, disagreeable, disfigured, disgusting, dowdy, foul, frightful, gloomy, grave, grisly, gross, grotesque, gruesome, hideous, homely, horrible, loathsome, misshapen, mutilated, nasty, offensive, ominous, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, servile, shocking, terrible, threatening, toady, troublesome, unappealing, unattractive, unbeauteous, uncomely, unesthetic, unpleasant, unsightly, vile, wretched

    choose an adjective

    doesnt mean his hate is not warranted...in a lot of cases he is spot on

    but attacking someone because they are aesthetically challenged?

    Alright, I don't like Jmatsu, but this shit is fucking stupid. Aesthetically challenged? A fucking thesaurus for the word ugly? Can we please stop being internet-intelligent and just go rub one off?

  7. O man just got a Brooks B-17, I wish I got this alot sooner. Conditioned it and took it for some laps around the block, instant comfort, I know that isn't typical so I am excited on how much more comfy it will get. Anyone else find them slippery with jeans?

    I put some Obenauf's on my Team Pro and it actually holds my jeans in place very nicely. I highly recommend it.

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