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Posts posted by lestat

  1. Does anyone know anything about a company called ユキプロ?(http://favor-yuki.com/talent/index.html) Supposedly they’re a modeling agency.

    My gf is studying abroad in Tokyo right now and she was scouted by some guy while walking on the streets who wanted her to do some modeling. They told her to make an appointment but tbh it seems pretty sketch to me. The website just doesn’t seem that legit. Does this kind stuff happen often? Is it safe for her to go in for an interview? She’s wouldn’t mind some extra cash but neither of us can really find any information on the company.

    I know this stuff isn’t all that uncommon in Hong Kong too, but whenever it happened we never followed up on them. If she were to go to the interview, her host friend would go along with her to work out the details in terms of translating agreements etc.

    Cant wait to see her on 10musume!

  2. bumping this thread

    saw a girl that i used to like a few years ago on campus today, i was a chump back then so of course she denied me like a few times but she saw me today looking good and everything talking to a few cute girls during my class break and she just inboxed me on facebook saying we should catch up over drinks next weekend

    a part of me says to not go while the other says to go, take my revenge and fuck her

    put it in her butt (5)

  3. inner bicep hurts no doubt, i have both of mine done. the good thing is it barley ever sees the sun. And asking someone what their tattoo "symbolizes" is fucking annoying.

    for me, it was right on the love handles... that hurt more than my inner bicep

  4. Fuck the bump, I made a startling dicosvery at college just before christmas. Asian girls do not have back dimples. No shit. Small sample size (n=8), but check for yourself. It freaked me out. Currently investigating other non-asian, non-caucasian groups.

    most of the ones i've dated/slept with have back dimples... thumb grips when doing it doggy

  5. i'm planning to visit HK during the first week of February


    1) Where could I find the cheapest tickets? I looked on Kayak but they are around 600 USD round trip.

    2) Clubs with hot BZs who are DTF and love Japanese dudes. We all speak English as well.

    not a lot do to in HK during CNY....

    any good tattoo places in hk that do walk in appointments?

    try James Lee Mansion 1st floor on Pratt in TST 2368-3621... ask for matthew?

  6. Not true. Whenever I'm in Japan, you can always run into white couples in urban metropolis tokyo head to toe Patagonia, mountain climbing boot\sneaker hybrid, giant climber backpacks w\ camelback attached looking ready to climb mount Fuji.

    or East Bumblefuck, Alabama Sweatshirts and fanny packs

  7. would you rather have a billion dollars and a 7/10 wifey (cant divorce/cant cheat on) or live as a homeless guy and fuck all the girls in this thread?

    fucking weird... what happened to my reply here? hmmm

    but yeah...take the money and the wife... get her wacked, then imma fuck all them broadsssss

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