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Posts posted by captain5640

  1. I like Beach House as well, but I don't put them in the Chillwave genre either.

    Anyway, Toro Y Moi and Beach House are playing at the Sundance Film Festival on the 24th, which isn't far from me. Too bad I can't find the actual venue location yet...

    Update - Got the location and a ticket so I'm gonna check it out on Sunday. I'm super excited. Any new Toro stuff that you guys have heard?

  2. I've had a frustrating time with digital, so in an act of complete spontaneity I bought a pentax mx, and a few rolls of film are on their way now.

    What I want to know though, is would it be worth developing my own film in the long run? In general terms I mean; it seems to cost a bit to set up..

    I think for the experience alone it's worth the cost. (if you have the $$ to do it) It helps you understand that actually composing a shot and thinking it through rather than using the so called "rapid fire" technique is much better.

    My friend just got a Canon Ae-1 and I've been helping him out. His first few rolls were basically shit (he has not photo experience), but he has already learned a bunch.

    I do realize that you have photo experience already, but either way, I'd say if you can afford it, try it.

  3. I really want this jacket. It's mainline Uniqlo, not +J, correct? When is this stuff supposed to be released? Also, ssheat, any pics of the vintage flat front trousers in the cotton duck material? Definitely some good looking pieces this season.


  4. what's up with blvd voltaire - is it the second hand clothes clearing house for the city? i ran a batch of ebay auctions and two winners were within 40 street numbers of each other there, incl one guy with three items.

    I lived just of of Blvd. Voltaire when I was in Paris last winter/spring. I wouldn't say that it's the clearing house for clothes for the city, but it did have a good variety of shops, my favorite being the used camera stores.

  5. really? can you be more fucking technical? im fuckinf asking a serious question here and you be all like this? come on again im fucking new here

    Alright, if you really want to learn do some research other than posting in this thread. And seriously, the best way to learn is by practicing and fucking up, and learning from those fuck ups.

    Digital = free experience. Be happy you don't have to be in a darkroom for hours, only to see that what you've taken didn't turn out.

    For starters, check out the book "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson.

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