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Posts posted by prima
ill be in bj around christmas time, maybe through new years too.
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many of you may not know...but the steel on this is the ULTIMATE steel right now!!
and this is MAD CHEAP.
thanks for the heads up on this!!!
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had my eyes on a benchmade 940 for awhile. finally pulled the trigger on it due to bladehq's cyber monday deal.
coming in the mail...
bm black 940
bm tan nimravus serrated
bm instigator
bm nagara
bm benchmite
pics to come!
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loving the discussion on french restaurants in tokyo. big thanks to everyone contributing.
i'll likely be in tokyo nov 26-nov 30 (short trip i know) just to kill some time
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Contemplating having a regularly held afternoon of beer and darts tournaments at the store....
That interest anybody? Come fondle some jeans and Aldens, drink a beer or seven, and throw some darts?
never been to craft but that sounds like a great idea haha
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are you studying abroad? i go to beijing several times a year for about a week at a time
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hard friday and then monster
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how long ya staying this time herp?
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ill be there.
im probably arriving on the 20th.
anytime after that should be good.
i know i contacted a bunch of you guys for possible meetups this summer but didn't pull through. i ended up in the boonies/earthquake regions for china for a few weeks
if anythings happening around thanksgiving time i'd love to join in
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crappy pic, but battered and deep fried foie on the left
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duz are aggggggressive.
my female friends were complaining about this as well. can't take the heat.
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you still in tokyo herp?
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yeah i was thinking it might not be worth checking out esp when my friends are planning it to the last train home (WTF???). thanks for the input salaryman.
tried out great burger last night based on kiya's post
i thought it was pretty decent although the meat was a bit dry or overdone for my liking
greedy burger. avocados not visible. nice hidden kick of horseradish(?)
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i have some friends asking me to join them at club velour this saturday to drink and see the pole dancing show. anybody know how velour is these days?
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is APC sizing the same in japan and the US?
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how many sufu heads do we actually have at ucla?
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i have nothing to add to this thread except dismal i'd be down to buy one when you're done
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i only recognize ipuddo!! youre in ny right now? Are those other ramen places around st marks?
was in japan for about a week, two weeks ago. but yeah ippudo is pretty fuckin solid.
How'd u get into Ichiran?not sure what you mean. they're a fairly large chain all over tokyo, you can just walk right in like anywhere else
^Hey yo, my mom actually booked a meal for her and I after finals are over(fuck college) at his restaurant in LA.spend your money elsewhere. you'll get more bang for your buck
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whats up
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if the jersey buyer somehow flakes out, lemme know!
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Kopped 2 hotdogs + onion rings + milkshake afters. No pix though
Meal was at Providence in LA. $50 for the full 8-course tasting menu
when did providence get so cheap???
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Alameda, Beijing
about $20-25 as far as i recall
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maybe itll taste better right before marc 2010
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Loved the neg rep
i'm sure you'll get your green box back for posting hot girl pictures for dudes over the internet. don't sweat it.
SOLD Boots Size 10 Used
in supermarket
Posted · Edited by prima
Boots from several years ago
very worn. you can see from the pictures that these shoes have taken a beating.