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Posts posted by prima

  1. i've never been a good eye for fakes but maybe this will help you.

    i bought a pair of evisu jeans like that from urbanoutfitters.com when they were having some sort of ridiculous sale. it's probably that exact same model and cost me $150 before shipping. so if he really did get it from urban the price you paid seems about right.

  2. Quote:



    vintage nike track


    creative recs


    evisu ed military pants


    staple tee



    in4mation tee's


    a really dope book (if youre into dmt and the like)

    --- Original message by Icicle Cubicle on Apr 11, 2006 06:00 PM

    who's the girl in the in4mation tee?
  3. I did a search on this but none of the threads really answered my questions. Anyways i'm thinking about getting a pair of the levis x fragment fenom 207 jeans but i want to know how they fit. Also are they going to shrink? Are the measurements true to the label? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  4. Quote:

    aitsuka/milspex what do you think of a TM Hi CAPA 5.1 with hk police flashlight + extra battery plus a new clip for about $230 CAD/$200 US. Condition is 9/10. Pic below:


    ** edited the pic as a link since airsoft guns aren't really fashion discussion.

    Edited by high_contrast on Mar 30, 2006 at 12:40 AM

    --- Original message by high_contrast on Mar 30, 2006 12:36 AM

    if they're living in japan which i think they are you'd probably be better off asking about that kind of stuff on a canadian or us forum (there are plenty). airsoft shit is so much cheaper in japan that appraisals are probably a little different. personally i think that's a little steep for a used gbb and the light setup could be better.
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