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Posts posted by Whodinihimself

  1. sorry about the delay...heres me and my A-Types 606's...after about a month or so of moderate use.......no real indigo fade as of yet...and after all the abuse they endured (chronicled above) theyre still pretty stiff...which worries me......if they get any stiffer..well..then God help us all!!



    im not so sure theyre actually raw denim...if they are they are definitely coated with something...if they fade much at all i really dont think theyll fade for looooong long time...but ill keep you posted when (or 'if') they do..


  2. currently...

    The Libertines - Up The Bracket

    The Mars Volta - Deloused in The Comatorium

    The Bled - Pass The Flask

    Nirvana - Incesticide

    Wu Tang - Enter The 36 Chambers

    Stars - Set Yourself On Fire

    Liars - Drum's Not Dead

    Deftones - the self titled one

    Silverchair - Diorama

    The Verve - Urban Hymns

    ... and by next week the new Tool album! woohoo!! :)

    Edited by Whodinihimself on Apr 27, 2006 at 07:19 AM

  3. oh sure...Handgun wounds are not as bad as knife wounds...if you got the wound getting pistol whipped!..:P ....but check it out.....this is just one of the many studies ive come across that sheds some light on the mortality rates that coincide with a variety of weapons....theres quite a few if you do a google search....heres one worth the read


    ive got no problem with rifles..what set me off was the handgun...i think the major problem is handguns or any gun thats easy to conceal....i could walk around with a bow and arrow and start picking off pedestrians...but id stand out like a sore thumb...same goes for a rifle...but with small firearms...you dont know who is packing...its too easy for a mentally unstable person to not only shoot at someone...but blend back in with the crowd and get away with it after...which is just wrong

    im just curious damnlam, what did you mean by: "name one other country that compares in any way to the USA"? ... Are you reffering to population?...culture?...economy?....

  4. whoa huh?....did you just compare a gun to a baby's rattle?....thats the most idiotic thing ive ever heard. Of course you can be killed by anything!...someone could shoot through one of my vital organs with a nail gun, or i could swallow a shovel and not shit for weeks...but last i heard they havent invented the armor piercing nail gun...or semi automatic shovel.......your arguements are faulty...you say that a gun is a tool....i agree..but it really only has one use...even if you use it for target shooting..or skeet shooting...youre still just going through the motions...and theres no excuse for the handgun....if everyone's gun suddenly vanished...would people be all "omg, how will i ever skeet shoot without my gun!?!?"....no..theyd be more like "omg, i dont feel safe...i need my gun cos people are out to get me"....which is why the majority of hand guns are sold to paranoid people....theyre all so worried about the next man's gun that they think they need one of their own...which leads to an endless cycle...im not American, but im from Toronto and ive witnessed alot of gun violence...and i think our way is better...most of us fight with our with our fists...at least that way you leave a person with a fighting chance to live...guns rob people of that fighting chance when violence escalates........so people like how guns go bang and they like the feel of the jerk when they fire...and it makes them feel like real men.....whatever...but when all that is said and done, guns are the cause a huge cause of death in this world......i say put down the toy and learn how to fight the old fashioned way...and dont learn to fight and still carry a gun...cos then youre just half-assed...you chances of surviving a gunwound dont go up if youre carrying a gun on you too...they actually drop........ all im saying is that guns are toys for juvenile men..

  5. ok..well ..what i ask you is what do guns have to do with supertalk or denim at all?..half of that guys post was about his day with his gun...so...he shot a couple holes into a piece of metal...great...it probably was fun but who in here really cares?...its completely trivial to describe the day you had while wearing the jeans..unless the jeans themselves affected your day...should i talk in detail about my trip downtown and if i kicked a pop can on the way home?....fuck no!.....im sure theres tonnes of people that use this site who enjoy shooting a gun now and again..but would any one of them be stupid enough to post a picture of themselves firing a gun on a message board that is geared towards denim?...i dont think so...and while gun arent inherently evil, you cant compare them to knifes or the wheel!...those have other uses...guns have one use...and not to pop the cap off your beer can or flip a lightswitch...theyre meant to kill...

  6. man...why would you post of picture of yourself with a rifle? and a handgun!....you dont look any cooler with it.. you actually look like a complete knob ... but hey, at least this wont help glamourize guns...frigging meat-heads.......just because your dick is a dink doesnt mean you need to compensate with a rifle (..nice shoes junior, what are you like..a size 5 or something?)....loser!

    Edited by Whodinihimself on Apr 25, 2006 at 08:47 AM

  7. close to the truth...but i saw a documentary on the history of Levis denim and it said that the word "jean" or "jeans" comes from an Italian word for the region of Genoa..... "Gene's" was the nickname given to sailors from this region that wore a special type of cotton twill pants made almost exclusively in Genoa. The word jean came to be associated with the pants they wore (which was alot like the denim of today) and the spelling as it is today went through several changes overtime. However, Levi Strauss didnt purchase his materials dircetly from France or Italy but the fabric he used might have been shipped from France and Italy to San Fransisco (being a port City as it is)...but more likey than not it was shipped to England first, then sent to North America

    Edited by Whodinihimself on Apr 25, 2006 at 08:34 AM

    Edited by Whodinihimself on Apr 27, 2006 at 09:23 AM

  8. ... A 10 year warranty :P

    ...but cereal, i'd like to see some nice detailing and craftmanship.....like selvaged seams...and durable stitching...interesting inner pocket material is also nice....but i think the price of jeans should reflect how much effort was put into making them...if they required alot of time and effort to build...then theyll cost alot of dough....however, alot of the time big brand name jeans are made with cheap overseas labour...chalk another one up to capitalism i guess...

  9. Its easy and cheap to get them tailored if you want them taken in (tighter)....but its a whole other story if you need them to be loosened up....it can be done by a good tailor but itll cost you. The waistband is relatively easy to expand tho...they usually just insert a triangle shaped piece of denim in the back of the waistband to give it extra slack....ive had it done a few times for like 15 bucks...and it was almost undetectable.

  10. I looooves me some vintage Orange Tabs...until recently thats all i got by on....but the lvc 2005 ones arent too shabby either..i think its called the "Jack" model...i think i might pick up a pair....

    i get mine off ebay...usually at an incredible price

    Edited by Whodinihimself on Apr 27, 2006 at 07:16 AM

  11. Hey guys...when these jeans first arrived in the mail they were really stiff...felt like i was wearing sandpaper when i first threw them on....I'm not sure if they were coated in resin but they were damn shiny...they glared!...felt like i was wearing disco pants....they also didnt have the same colour when they first arrived...they were alot like the colour on those websites...like a grey/blue/black...but the fade into indigo seems normal to me.......

    i really like these jeans alot...the only problem i have with them is the fact that they arent selvage...they dont look too good turned up....so i had to have them taken up an inch and a half...only 8 bucks for the tailoring job...but hey

    as for the fellow who wants to see them on, ill post a pic soon as my girlfriend gets home to take one...i dont own a full length mirror...

  12. not too shabby eh? .... the a-symmetrical pockets are key and the old style coin pocket is nothing to sneeze at either...the only gripe i can see is the right back pocket is too small for most wallets...im a lefty so i use the big left one...or "the black hole" as i like to call it....why?..its deep...and dark...and things could get lost in there.... :I .........but uh...the only reason i washed them at all with to promote shrinkage before having them hemmed...but i went overboard a little bit....no biggie tho.....

    for those wondering about how to get a pair..all i know is that these shits have been deadstock for a while now...guessing almost a year or so...occaisionally theyll pop up on ebay ...but you could also get them here if you enlist the help Japanese proxy ....


  13. This is more a thread for my own records, but i just thought i'd keep a journal of how my new jeans evolve..here's my new(ish) Levis A-Types from Japan...

    these were heavily starched at first so theyve already had 2 lukewarm 10 minute soaks in the tub to get rid of the starch, 1 cold water machine wash with Woolite Black...theyre still super stiff.....but i think i may have over did it.........ive only worn them for about 3 days in those pics.....ill post again in 3 months or so

  14. I cant say for sure, but I'm convinced the jeans that fellow has on are women's jeans..the authentic looking wear and personalized patching suggests maybe vintage Levi's...ladies or mens i cant say...its hard to tell without a closer inspection. But if youre looking for a similar cut/fit in guys sizes you could try Levis 606 models (super slims)....Julian Red "California" .... Nudie "Thin Finn" models...or APC narrow jeans (unisex)...or Paper Denim "SLM" or Diesel "Onijo"....or Acne....the list could go on forever..............

  15. heh yeah..not too shabby huh?.....if youre interested in picking up a pair off of ebay, the seller goes by " k-sevencom " ...mine shipped from Japan to Canada in 4 days...so he's not a deadbeat seller as far as i can say...aside from the skinny 606 he also sells other A-Type's in 517 boot cut, and 505 slim straight leg in the same wash.....im thinking of picking up a pair of 505's off of him....these jeans have been out of production for a while now so i dont know how much stock this guy can possibly have.

  16. Theyre not black...but theyre not indigo neither...they look kinda like a really dark grey to me...my favourite part is the a-symmetrical back pockets.......I think that once i get used to throwing my back out everytime i get dressed in these things im gonna like em alot.

    So far I've rinsed them three times in the tub in lukewarm water and once in the washing machine with cold water....and theyre still shiny and stiff as hell!!...very impressive.

    I got mine off ebay for 99.99 USD off a good seller from Japan....but heres a link with more pictures


  17. I just bought a pair of Levis Type-A 606 Superslims from Japan....Theyre raw denim and it takes the jaws-of-life just to pull my foot through them...theyre the slimmest Levi's I've ever owned.

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