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Posts posted by Whodinihimself

  1. Hey Chuck Norris boy!...dont hijack my thread....Chuck Norris is a hack!..Sub Zero would pull his face off and wear it like a hat!...then build a time machine and go back to just before he did that and do it all over again...tag team....

    ps buy my jeans

  2. Quote:

    I just received my APC New Cure Denim in size 25, smallest size.

    These jeans are pretty tight, very similar to my Indigo Cheap Monday size 26 Jeans.

    --- Original message by suckdick on May 24, 2006 02:24 PM

    Hey suckdick, how many sizes did you size them down??....and could you post some pics?
  3. Attn: A Free Ford Focus to the first person to buy my Sub Zero jeans....if you look closely, you can see those racing stripes are actually blueline selvage stripes....


    Sub Zero himself can be seen modelling our baggy cut..tucked into his boots (he doesnt have a Superfuture account and therefore doesnt know that this look went out in the late 13th century).....but for a supernatural cryomancer from the outer realm he's pretty damn stylish....and his jeans are killer too...3067 years and only one accidental cold soak...he's such a trooper


    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 24, 2006 at 08:30 PM

  4. its not too late....

    two words: corporate buyout .... and if they wont sell, ill send the real Sub Zero over to their shop to rip their skulls off and pull their hearts out of their chests for their insolance...then bury them in Sub Zero brand overdyed raw selvage denim...so at least they get something right

  5. Has anybody ever heard of this brand??....no?...good....cos i just made it up....Not as if anybody cares, but I've decided to launch my own denim line....each style will be named after an Eskimo word for ice...and i hear they have thousands so I'll be hella busy...and forget about getting my denim from Japan...im gonna have it made in Antartica...by a penguin army...they make for cheap labour...all they want is fish and guns......or maybe ill have them made by scientists...as they are the only residents with opposable thumbs...I also plan on flash-freezing every pair with the help of Sub Zero..from Mortal Kombat...who will also be our spokesperson...although, he'll likely be doing less speaking and more murdering..because if he sees you walking down the street and your arent wearing our denim, he tears your friggin head clean off...spinal column intact......btw the Sub Zero flash-freeze will preserve the denim and make the indigo taste like blueberry jam...so if youre ever out of peanut butter..and need something tasty on your toast..you can just wipe some blue goodness from your jeans onto your bread.......but if you die from doing that..ill send Sub Zero to your house to bring you back to life, only to tear your head clean off and kill you all over again...l

    well thats about it so far...im open to suggestions...do you think i could turn a profit with these jeans in such a competitive market?


    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 24, 2006 at 01:39 PM

  6. I'm thinking of picking up a pair of these....but im not sure if i should size down 3 sizes or just 2...I figure that since alot of people who like the slim fit size down 3 sizes with their NS/Cures/narrow that I should only size down 2 sizes with these new ones..since these are already a super slim cut as it is..unlike NS/Cures/Narrow.......

    ...pics of you guys who already have em would really help me out :)

  7. i dont think it alienates them....probably more of an eye opener for all the dough they throwdown on what is arguably inferior product...Ive owned all kinds of Diesel jeans, and I've never had any problems with the quality...but since getting my first pair of LVC's, I've realized that ive been missing out...the stitchwork and materials used are clearly better than most diesels...and i like the fact that it takes work to break in a pair of raw denim (although i think diesel has a raw wash too..hard to find but its there)...id rather earn my whiskers then have them handed to me in a nice little package..thas all

    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 18, 2006 at 06:47 AM

  8. thanks man...but now that the auction is over i can say that I'm suprised they even sold at all...I know I wouldnt buy a pair of shoes that sombody else personalized...its just not kosher ya know?....but yeah...someone in Italy won them for a grand total of $35.99 US shipped...go figure

  9. Quote:

    no...dont censor yourself. censorship reveals societys lack of confidence in itself

    --- Original message by sevenjeansareoverrated on May 17, 2006 06:53 PM



    ....priceless......man..seriously..you need to stop spitting out tired old cliches...wisdom comes with time/experience...no offense, but if i was 14 i wouldnt be wasting my time seeking fashion advice from dinosaurs like us...get outside and seize the day man!! ...before you get old and end up in a dead-end job living the same day over and over, year after year in your impeccable Nudie dry selavge jeans....and thats not directed at just you..i think alot of the good folks on this board would be better off doing something else...theres gotta be something better you could do with your time......i suggest you take a 7 year hiatus then come back with some real perspective/knowledge under your belt....or not....your gullibilty is actually kinda funny..stick around kid


    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 18, 2006 at 08:08 AM

  10. Quote:

    You've been so helpful. I only have two things to say: I already have a pair of regular ralf dry selvage nudie jeans. I have been wearing them for three weeks now, not everyday, but every night i sleep in them. Will this get the same results as on their site. I would wear them everyday, but me being the tool that I am, i have to wear something different everyday to impress my peers. And 2: me being a full time student, i have almost no time to dedicate to denim other than the night and weekend shopping trips, and energie, diesel, barney's coop and urban outfitters are the only things wirthin realistic proximity. I'm aiming for the sid vicious/mick jagger tight jeans track jacket tee thing. Also, those links you gave me have great jeans, but me living in the suburban wasteland that I do, I have no way to purchase them except online, and the return policy seems shakyl. What should i do?

    --- Original message by DrugsAreBadMkay on May 17, 2006 02:48 PM

    one word: Ebay

    unfortunately sometimes the internet is the only place to get some of this stuff...alot of the better sellers on Ebay have good return policies...but i dont see why buying direct from the official websites would be a problem...

    I myself like to try my jeans on before buying them...but this forum can help take the guess work out of sizing...so...once youve decided on the jean you want, just post a topic about sizing in that particular brand/style and people who own it themselves will probably help you out...lowers the chance of having to make a return...

    and i think people would respect you more for not being a whore for fashion...well...not a complete whore heh.......and you can start buy ebaying some of your jean collection and breaking in some nice raw denim...that way you know that noone else is wearing what youre wearing..even if they are.....but thats just my opinion ;)

    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 18, 2006 at 06:39 AM

  11. Quote:

    Really? I Was Under The Impression That Energie Was Durable. I Know They're Overpriced, But Wow. And Acne? I Can't Imagine Why, They Are Comfortable And Aesthetically Pleasing, And Unlike Dior Homme, There Is No $500 Pricetag, I Know You Are Probably More Informed Than I...And Nudie Is Your Own Thing...And Tsubi??? I Know Slim Fit's A Fad, But Those Guys Have Got It DOWN. Please Answer My Questions, Egpt

    --- Original message by DrugsAreBadMkay on May 17, 2006 12:51 PM

    You have to understand that alot of the brands you find stylish are the anithesis of what the denim purists on this site are all about...your choice in brands is your own decision..but as far as quality goes im pretty sure theyve got you covered.......you might want to get your hands on some good raw/dry denim if you dont already have some...wear them in for a about year before washing...and i promise you'll never go back to those pre-washed styles/brands...its all about personalizing some good dry/unwashed denim...putting in the work of wearing one or two pairs of jeans as much as humanly possible..then basking in the incredible results.......its next to impossible to find a washed pair of jeans thatll give you that feeling...

    heres some links to get you started:






    ...deadstock LVC is good too...so is some of the more subtle Evisu..if theyre real Japanese Evisu that is...

    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 18, 2006 at 06:38 AM

  12. Quote:

    Okay...Here Goes.

    I Am Going To Correct A Few Of The Mistakes That Have Been Made.

    First Off, Emo Is The Most Overused Term I Have Ever Heard. Emo Does Not Mean Sweater Vest Nerds That Go Home And Slit Their Wrists Because Girls Won't Talk To Them, Nor Does It Mean The Bleached Hair Gothkid Fantasizing About Meeting Weezer.

    The Meaning Has Changed To Accomodate What I Call The "Hollister Generation",

    i.e. The Popular Kids You Find At The Mall Making Fun Of Nerds And Listening To All American Rejects.

    I Am The Fashionista Metro Kid At My School, And I Have Not One, Not Two, But 26 Pairs Of Designer Jeans, Ranging From Acne To True Religion. (HA HA! IT'S SO FUNNY! LITTLE SPOILED RICH KID BUYS JEANS WITH DADDY'S MONEY!)

    In Reality The Kind of People (Males, That Is) Wearing Tight Jeans Really Hang Out At The Burger Shop Down The Street Taling With Their Peers About How Amazing The Strokes Concert Was, (Me)

    Or Hanging Out In Urban Outfitters Talking About How Amazing The Techno Rave The Night Before Was (Them)


    --- Original message by DrugsAreBadMkay on May 11, 2006 05:48 PM

    What i dont get is how DrugsAreBadMkay says that "the kind of people who wear tight jeans really hang out at the burger shop down the street talking with their friends about how amazing the Strokes concert was"...i wear tight jeans...been wearing tight jeans since you were just a twinkle in your mothers eyeball...i like the strokes...but do i talk about the one concert ive seen them in everyday at the burger shop??.....uh...hell no...................

    so lemme get this straight, all you and your friends do is sit around going "man..that Sthrokesth consthert wasth sthoooo aswesthommmme"...every...single ...day??.......i just hope that you arent the leader of your little group.......what a tool...

  13. the reason it looks like theres so many bids is because when placing a bid, potential buyers key in a maximum bid (which automatically gets placed if someone bids but doesnt outbid there max)....so...if another buyer comes along and wants to outbid them..they usually go up in small increments (in this case $100 increments) to determine the other bidders maximum bid. (i.e. what godhand2006 is doing in this case)...it only seems like theres been a bunch of bids because ebay shows these automatic bids.......the upside to max bid system is that you dont have to be there on your computer to bid ... the downside (from a buyers point of view) is that the price is driven way up...the best way is to invest in auction sniping software and place your bid 1 second before the auction ends (must be tweaked to your internet setup to accomadate any lag).....if timed correctly ebay doesnt have time to place the automatic bid...and you win...hurray! :P


    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 12, 2006 at 06:47 AM

  14. Quote:

    Okay...Here Goes.

    I Am Going To Correct A Few Of The Mistakes That Have Been Made.

    First Off, Emo Is The Most Overused Term I Have Ever Heard. Emo Does Not Mean Sweater Vest Nerds That Go Home And Slit Their Wrists Because Girls Won't Talk To Them, Nor Does It Mean The Bleached Hair Gothkid Fantasizing About Meeting Weezer.

    The Meaning Has Changed To Accomodate What I Call The "Hollister Generation",

    i.e. The Popular Kids You Find At The Mall Making Fun Of Nerds And Listening To All American Rejects.

    I Am The Fashionista Metro Kid At My School, And I Have Not One, Not Two, But 26 Pairs Of Designer Jeans, Ranging From Acne To True Religion. (HA HA! IT'S SO FUNNY! LITTLE SPOILED RICH KID BUYS JEANS WITH DADDY'S MONEY!)

    In Reality The Kind of People (Males, That Is) Wearing Tight Jeans Really Hang Out At The Burger Shop Down The Street Taling With Their Peers About How Amazing The Strokes Concert Was, (Me)

    Or Hanging Out In Urban Outfitters Talking About How Amazing The Techno Rave The Night Before Was (Them)


    --- Original message by DrugsAreBadMkay on May 11, 2006 05:48 PM

    Label clothing .. not yourself

    ..."i am the fashionista metro kid"....what you are is human...youre your father and mothers son...you should be judged by the content of your character, not by what you wear or the clones you choose to hang out with....get over yourself!!

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