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Posts posted by Whodinihimself

  1. Dont worry about your jeans...you only washed them once...all hope is not lost!

    1) Jeans are made of cotton...cotton shrinks....you should know this by now (If your jeans are sanforized you can wear them raw because they wont shrink much...if they arent youre better off warm soaking them for 15 minutes when theyre brand new...so as to get most of the shrinking out of the way.....this is because you dont want the honeycomb/whisker areas shifting alot after future washes)...you mightve actually did yourself a favour by washing them now...

    2) They will stretch back (or even beyond) their original fit..so just wear them tight for a while and theyre loosen up...

    3) Starch spray the crotch area and behind the knees of your jeans whenever they start to feel too soft in those areas....wear them while theyre wet from the starch and squat down every few minutes until theyre dry

    4) Do stuff in your jeans...physical stuff...the only way to get them to fade faster is to wear them day in and day out..and break a sweat!...Tragic skateboards in his jeans...Ryu bikes on a daily basis in his Sugarcanes.....they move around alot and it shows....if you dont skate, find something else to do in your raws thatll make you break a sweat...

    ..Learn to swim..

    Edited by Whodinihimself on Jun 5, 2006 at 11:05 AM

  2. Those aren't One Stars...theyre EV Pro ....i had a pair of those in Black suede....the ones they put out recently are better than the classic ones here...in my opinion....they have a lower profile, because they cut out some of the middle part of the sole...i think theyre still called EV Pro tho


    ..Learn to swim..

    Edited by Whodinihimself on Jun 4, 2006 at 10:50 AM

  3. Hey thanks for the pics Choice!!...those a coming along nicely....I think the 505's are a better made version of the A-Types...the denim is the same but my 606's dont come with pocket rivets (only coin pocket ones) and they dont have the 'two-horse patch' on the back either...more of a cosmetic thing but it is noticeable.

    ..keep wearing em in!

    ..Learn to swim..

  4. I'm so close to grabbing a pair of SD-203's ... only holding off because i have a feeling that there must be a Japanese brand that carries jeans with a hem width of 7" or lower (at waist 30 or 31)...im sick of putting the tailors kids through college, so...if anybody comes across a pair please post your findings on this thread for the good of all the tight jean wearers out there...thanks

    ..Learn to swim..

  5. talk is cheap...and so am i

    heres my collection:


    Brand Loyalty at its mediocrest!

    left to right: LVC 1901 Denim Devotee 501's (altered to fit like 606's)

    Levis A-Type 606 (resin coated, raw)

    Levis Red (made from 5 pieces of denim, stitched together, nice and thick and


    Plus I've got 2 vintage Orange Tabs and a pair of Diesel Onijo's my girlfriend bought me that are quite nice.

    I've also got this experimental pair of black Levis...theyre super slim 516's...bought them brand new...left them hanging in my parents backyard for a year in the name of science...they endured the elements of 4 seasons...but they didnt turn out as i expected...they got this weird sun bleached thing going on...and we must have acid rain in Toronto cos they look kinda acid washed..

    ..Learn to swim..

    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 31, 2006 at 01:53 PM

  6. Hey thanks for the help guys...So far the Dry Bones 570 seems to be the tightest of all..or at least the smallest hem width for my waist size (approx 7.25" according to the sites ive checked out)...The Skulls come in close at 7.5"...same goes for Samurai 505's and Studio D'Artisan 203's..all around 7.5" across..... I suspect that the D-Bones 570's will shrink to about a 7" after soaks....but i still probably have to tailor them into a 6.25"...especially if theyre too long...id like to avoid that because it does alter the look of the grain flow...

    I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything narrower but i have a feeling that Japanese brands that run below a 7" hem line are few and far between...

    ..Learn to swim..

  7. considering picking up something blue from Japan..I've got a pair of Japanese Levi's A-Type 606's which fit me just how i want them to..slim fit, narrow/tapered leg...Ive searched through old threads but there doesnt seem to be a definite answer...

    Been looking at Samurai, Studio D'Artisan, Sugarcane, Edwin, etc etc...I like what i see, but but what I've mostly come across appears to be slim/straight-leg cuts....are there any slim/tapered cuts you japanese brand veterans could point out??

    I'm looking for raw or one wash indigo denim...no Levis repro's (unless theyre of 606's or something similar..no 505 repro's, dont taper enough)....with hem width of around 6" to 6.75" across, if that info is available)..

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 31, 2006 at 07:55 AM

  8. if you like, you could take them to a tailor...only cost you like $15 bucks

    ...they might look weird depending on the fade/distressing/grain of your denim...especially if going from bootcut to tapered....


    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 30, 2006 at 04:34 PM

  9. i think they do...but they still dont have black low cut suede wally's....i dont think Clark makes them anymore

    p.s. my sig comes from the first few lines of the song Rosetta Stoned..off the new Tool album...at least thats what i think he's saying...i know im not 100% right in my interpretation of the lyrics..but nobody really knows just yet

    Then the X-File being who was like

    Some kind of blue-grey Jackie Chan

    With Isabella Rossellini lips and breath that reeked

    Did a wicked jump in the air all while making this sound


    So when I opened up my bug eyes, my gaping jaw and my

    Sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip and all I could think was

    I hope my partner here doesn't notice that I pissed my fuckin pants


    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 30, 2006 at 09:57 AM

  10. ..thats pretty good for crepe...ive owned three pairs of Clark's in my lifetime...my favourite ones are the low cut black suede's but theyre a lost cause...big gaping hole by the big toe...i used to skate in them occaisionally..(but theres like..zero board-feel) and i wore them everywhere......Ive been saving up to replace these, but theyre out of production (at least here in Canada)...I'm wondering if black suedes low's are still stocked in the States...i check ebay once a week, but no luck..

    Alrighty then,

    Picture this if you will

    ten to 2a.m. and actually eating a, you know

    box of Krispy Kremes at my need-to-know post

    just outside Area 51 contemplating the whole

    "Chosen People" thing but just then a flaming

    stale banana split the sky,like, blown wide open

    ..never really expected to see that in a place like this

    At any rate, I thought i was gonna die

    but something landed right on my Birkenstocks

    and threw me a weapon

    ..Holy fucking shit..


    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 30, 2006 at 09:58 AM

  11. Quote:


    these are also a favorite. clarks desert trek. the best shoe they make. no ankle rollover like you get with wallys, and a cleaner look.

    --- Original message by cheapmuthafukr on May 30, 2006 07:02 AM

    Those are tits! Ive never seen em before...ive always liked the desert boot cut but hated the slippery sole...thats why i stuck with my Wally's......but those Treks are the solution..nice!
  12. Quote:

    Yo all,

    I've been rocking my A505s for about 4 months constantly now. It took a while to start getting results, but they're now starting to fade quite a bit. Having trouble getting honeycombs though. tried starch but still no good...

    anyway I'm in the middle of exams at the mo, but i'll post pics of progress soon.

    --- Original message by choice_genes on May 29, 2006 05:11 AM

    hey man, glad to hear that they fade sooner than i was suspecting...but sorry to hear youre not getting honeycombs...they formed pretty quickly on mine, but theyre slimmer fitting than the 505's...I'm suprised to hear that starching them hasnt worked...you could try heavily starching both the insides and outsides...behind the knee and in the crotch area...worked for me
  13. I noticed you have one pair of old Lee's...are you sure you want to leave him alone with the rest of those badass Levis?...he might get hurt......ive got an idea, give them to me...ill take good care of them :)

    but seriously..that has to be the second biggest collection ive seen..and most of it looks totally wearable (apart from the stack of nut hugger shorts of course) ;) ...well done!

  14. Quote:

    great answer, full marks

    samurai is in japan as well and i would have thought they'd be able to get their own jeans before xcoldricex

    must be the new math

    --- Original message by asfberg on May 26, 2006 01:12 PM

    They probably stock jeans for their website last, after all the Japanese stockists are satisfied...since walk in stores turnover merchandise at a faster rate webstores.....it wouldnt be a wise investment to hold stock for unpredictable website sales until in-store sales die down or until they can produce enough overstock and still keep up with the demand for a popular new product..which might account for the delay....or maybe someone is lying... :P

    ....ahhh...Operations Management 101...i guess university wasnt a complete waste of time..

    Edited by Whodinihimself on May 26, 2006 at 05:19 PM

  15. Thats what i was thinking...washed jeans can also be rigid..probably just takes more starch...however...as you can plainly see, they dont appear washed out...possibly rinsed...as in one rinse...maybe...but even though the word "raw" or "unwashed" does not appear anywhere on the rakuten page for these jeans, doesnt mean that theyre not raw...because as you say they use the terms interchangeably....

    ..I'm thinkin they may be raw or one-rinse...but they are also resin baked...so fading is gonna be a slow process...

  16. The fit is pretty nice ... I bought them two or three sizes bigger than i usually do...thinking they were shrink to fit..but they didnt shrink much at all...oh well

    But i have a question:

    Anybody know if there is a difference between the term "rigid" and "raw"...ive read some older posts that say that they mean the same thing..and some that say they don't...reason I'm asking is that that according to a Korean friend of mine (who can read Japanese pretty well) the rakuten website says these A-Types ive got are "rigid" denim...however, with more traditional raw denim (sugarcane, samurai, etc) they tend to use characters stating that they are "non washed" or "unwashed"....im just wondering if its worth even trying to break these things in...they seem to hanging onto their colour pretty well even though Ive abused them pretty good from skating...I get the feeling itll take years before i get any results..and that seems too long......and but i have other jeans i want to wear...ive been wearing these exclusively for about 3 months now, trying to get some fading...i know it takes time...but the whole resin coated thing makes me wonder if i should go back to rotating.

  17. If thats true than i guess im better off getting them from the APC website...which only comes up to about $165 CAD shipped (low rate option 7-10 days)...as long as they dont slap a duty on it at the border ill be saving some dough

  18. I'm Canadian, therefore I smoke Du Maurier cigs (im trying to butt-out for good tho)

    These are the top brand throughout most of eastern Canada...

    Its weird that alot of us Canadian smokers are always trying to get our hands on some Marlboro's..and I read somewhere that Americans will pay up to $15 bucks a pack for Du Maurier's...guess its the old "grass is greener" syndrome...

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