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Posts posted by renski

  1. youkinorn: I thought everyone in Texas drinks shiner bock? jk

    I guess these hopslams I got are done. I drank 4 out of the 6 bottles. nothing but the taste of alcohol. kind of sad because I wanted to see what the hype was about. usually when a Cali IPA or DIPA goes out of it's range it ends up on the sweet side. debating to drink lost abbey red poppy or the pelican india pelican ale.

  2. well technically they call expo a triple. if expo was a year round release i'd drink it everyday, while its seasonal i do tend to indulge as much as i can. nelson is great for a citra rye IPA.

    i haven't got to try this years PtY yet, but i can say this years expo is really smooth for a IIIPA and definitely drinkable. 2009 was great, 2010 had the alcohol aftertaste, so they got 2011 to be a winner! my wife does not like the extremely hoppy stuff like i do especially pure/expo but she was able to drink a glass of this years expo.

  3. got to drink a Ithaca flower powe that was an extra in a trade, might have been not as fresh as I wanted as the hop aroma was there but the taste was a bit mellow.

    tried following it up with a bottle of hopslam but I think these bottles are just done. I guess I have to be on time when they are released.

  4. I feel as long as its properly stored (refrigerated) , they should taste just fine within a few months compared to if they were left on shelf at room temperature. I've noticed certain IPAs do shelf better than others and there are some that I will only drink during it's seasonal release.

  5. got some hopslam today with some other extras. a quick review on hopslam, well im not sure if it's because I'm accustomed to west coast DIPAs styles but I feel the initial hop presence is lacking followed by a strong alcohol taste. maybe another bottle tomorrow might have my taste buds more prepared.

  6. 5442641306_3c8c9ef473.jpg

    got a gift from a buddy of the pelican IPA and the ninkasi tricerahops. purchased the Lost Abbey red poppy for a trade.



    damn i love this beer. i swear i need to stock up and limit myself to one a month until the next release.

    and i need to figure out how to use my camera. no more iphone pics.

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