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Posts posted by onemancult

  1. both of them are absolutely prettyful. and need to be pretty full of muh dick.

    also, demi's favorite band is dimmu borgir. yes, that dimmu borgir.

    they're a sort of shitty band as far as metal bands go, but the fact that

    some little disney priss is walking around telling tiger beat magazine

    "my favorite band is this swedish black metal band dimmu borgir" is

    kind of sexy.

  2. so what would you do if you had bombs falling on your street? people don't seem to realize that hamas is targeting CIVILIANS and always has targeted CIVILIANS. you argue that the hamas bombs are pieces of shit- this is partially correct, the other part being that they have russian-made katyusha rockets, courtesy of iran...hmmm.

    what would you have israel do? let its citizens rot in bomb shelters? fire back their own homemade rockets? of course not, that makes no fucking sense. you say excessive force; try living with bombs raining on your head and then see how what you think about striking back with "excessive force." we do surgical strikes. of course civilians die. you'd have to be high off your ass to think that in a war, civilians won't die. and it's fucking sad that they do, no one wants innocents dead. but it is unavoidable, especially when you have hamas operating from inside apartment buildings, filled with palestinian civilians.

    but let me break it down: israel is attacking hamas targets, hamas people, hamas gunmen, hamas rocket squads, hamas hamas hamas. meanwhile, hamas is attacking ANY israeli it can get its hands on, and it prefers civilians because mass panic and fear within the entire country, not just the military, is good for them. we're talking about the same hamas that was behind hundreds of suicide bombings of civilian targets in the past two intifadas. who is the fucking bully? the israeli government, that is trying to protect its citizens, and by doing so, has to fire at the enemies who are hiding in the middle of cities? or is it hamas, the group that targets citizens and doesn't give a fuck about their own as long as there are enough to serve as human shields? and as for the ceasefire, you can't gloss over the fact that rockets were still being fired from gaza on a regular basis.

    the blame for this situation lies on hamas and i hope to god that every last fucking one of those terrorists dies because maybe, maybe then, we can get people together who aren't just interested in shooting one another and they can figure out a peaceful solution to the whole situation.

    /end of rant

    ps arguing about politics on superfuture is fucking retarded, lets just go back to talking about jeans

    the blame in this situation lies on europe and israel, decades ago, creating a nation state that never existed and shouldnt exist in the capacity that it does.

    europe passed the buck to the arab world for both positive and negative

    reasons and committed what, in my mind, is the most egregious political mistake in the history of humankind: treating religious scripture as a legitimate and binding document.

    there is no doubt whatsoever as to who started this, in this respect.

    however, i understand that the blame for the situation being dragged out as long as it has lies with both sides, and the respective allies of both sides, who often stoke the flames for their own reasons.

    in this instance, though, there is only this to consider, for now:

    a measured response, as opposed to a "war to the bitter end", would draw much less ire from the international community.

    the number of israelis killed by hamas rockets pales in comparison to

    the number of palestinians killed by israeli missiles.

    the amount of damage done to infrastructure in israel pales in comparison to the amount wrought in gaza.

    israel is preventing third-party humanitarian efforts from reaching gaza with much needed medical supplies.

    the oppressed have become the oppressors.

  3. fucking minsinformation and bullshit spin makes me almost as angry as the excessive use of force itself.

    living in a world where people see fit to equalize a body count of 364 to one that numbers less than 25 is insane to me. purely insane.

    hamas' rockets are chintzy pieces of shite, sometimes cobbled together from auto parts... israel responds with smart bombs that

    the united states supplies them with.

    all this fucking is is grandstanding on the moderate party's part in order to cement themselves as virile and strong in the face of impending elections in february.

    the fact that israel threatened to attack sometime before the end of 08 and yet, the US is calling on hamas to stop firing before israel does, is beyond me.

  4. israel broke the most recent cease fire, but then again, palestinian bombers killed 150+ civillians yesterday or the day before i think it was...

    in the end though, i can't side with israel - they will do whatever they want since they know the US will back them up

    i have no idea where the hell youre getting your information from,

    but palestine/hamas hasnt even managed to kill 150 civilians OR

    israeli military personnel in the past 12 MONTHS, let alone 24 HOURS.

  5. whatuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup.

    yo so like, being spoonfed your own anal creampie is kind of ridiculously awesome.

    my recent favorite is this jam on youtube featuring two italian women rubbing their snatches and ass on another chick's face, spitting into her mouth, and generally humiliating the shit out of her. so ace.

    i give it two nuts busted.

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