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Posts posted by rnrswitch

  1. It's a toss up for me. I would say the canes are pretty damn good replicas. At 175 for levis and 178 for canes, it is just too hard for me to decide. If i am going for a good fade, it would be the canes, because i haven't seen nicely faded 47 levis. If I am going for the dark blue almost black dry jeans look then I would buy a pair of 47 levis, cold soak them, and never ever wash them again. The 47s fit is just too classic. It is one of those things, like a 57 chevy, that will never go out of style and always look good.

  2. Yo, those jeans look great on you. They have that nice vintage look. Have you considered spraying some water on the lap, thigh, and behind the knees. It helps define the creases, especially behind the knees. There is no need for starch yet. I am guessing the jeans are still pretty starchy and stiff. I miss when my 47s looked like that. Now they are all faded and very dirty. they are gonna get washed next week some time. I have a pair that are 30s that I may do a warm soak on and start wearing those. But seriously, you should consider spraying behind the knees and sitting down and watching a movie or something to lock in the honeycomb creases.

    Edited by rnrswitch on Feb 11, 2006 at 01:22 PM

  3. the jeans will stretch, then shrink upon washing, then stretch upon wearing, then shrink upon washing, then stretch upon wearing, then shrink upon washing, then stretch upon wearing, uhhh I don't know, but i think there might be a pattern starting.

  4. Definitely not fake if ross is selling them. They kinda look like 47 repros. The selvedge looks clean and the back arcuate looks like the 47 arcuate with the yellow stitching. Great find dude. Were there any others. Cuz if there was run down there, buy them, and sell them on ebay. Are those a size 28 or 26?

    Edited by rnrswitch on Feb 5, 2006 at 12:42 PM

  5. I wouldn't just soak them but machine wash them in warm water, with a cold rinse cycle. I have had very little indigo loss with my jeans after washes. Also, if you were to buy a one wash 47, those are warm washed and rinsed and the color is just as dark as unwashed.

  6. I know this will sound absurd, but I think you should wash them in warm water. I did this with my 47s and they shrunk a lot more in the legs and ass area. The indigo loss is minimal and they still hold their rigidness.

  7. Quote:

    i wasn't being a fuckin smart ass.. i was asking the question its surprising someone is gonna pay so much money for a garment that is gonna be worn to work and get destroyed. any builders i know buy cheap jeans or wear work pants... dont go spending £130 on stuff thats gonna get ruined

    Edited by witts on Jan 28, 2006 at 02:25 PM

    --- Original message by witts on Jan 28, 2006 02:22 PM

    I didn't take any offense to what you said, but I know tons of construction workers who will spend about $150 on a pair of woverine boots. Why? Because they last and are comfortable. Jeans get beat up on a construction site and levis stf tend to tear and rip. I haven't had this problem with LVC or cane47s. Not to mention, if the point of wearing your jeans is to get a nice worn look, then wouldn't wearing your jeans in harsh conditions produce the desired result? If levis are good for a miner at the turn of the century, then they are good for me today.
  8. When talking to HP I think you have to lie about your waist size. They were adamant both times that I ordered my 47s that I order true to size. I own both a 30 and 31 and measure a 31.5" waist. They are sized up 2" as opposed to the 1/2" on the website. My 31's fit the way the jeans were suppose to fit back in the day (after 2 hardwashes), which is rather relaxed in the ass. The waist fits snug the way it should. The 30s on the, other hand, when I had them, fit nice and snug in the legs and ass, but tight in the waist. The waist though stretched out and loosened up to a snug fit after a couple of wears. If you want a snug fit in the legs I would say order a size down and suffer through having the waist stretch out (it really isn't that much suffering), if you prefer the ole' hip hanger look then order pretty much true to size and wash them in hot water when you get them so they shrink as much as possible. Otherwise, you will be swimming in them until your first hardwash. That is what happened to me. I was worried about indigo loss and just did a cold soak. The waist shrunk about .5" and I was wearing baggy jeans for two months until I chose to wash them. I was suprised at how little indigo was lost in the hard wash.

  9. You can leave them in a bath tub, but you could also leave them in a washer. The cold soak just means don't run them through the entire wash, just let them soak. Good luck with those jeans.

  10. Order a size 32 waist and only do a cold soak on the jeans. You should wait until the jeans have shrunk to hem the jeans. You might want to wear some cuffs until you hard wash the jeans, because their will be some more shrinkage in the jeans between the cold soak and the hard wash.

  11. I had similar results as wooster did. the hard wash shrank the body of the jeans more. The legs, butt, thigh, etc, without shrinking the waist much. I also bought true to size and have since bought a pair that have been sized down an inch (30). I have yet to soak them and don't plan to until my 31s have been worn in enough. I think the extra inch will improve the fit a lot, making them more snug.

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