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Posts posted by PG2G

  1. Quote:
    Quote: Minya, hi i was wondering what your height, weight and chest size are? Ive been thinking about pickin up a bespoke T. Im really curious to see a small.
    I'm 6' tall and I fluctuate between 165lbs in summer and 175 lbs in winter (it's definitely fatty season right now... too cold to exercise). I'm usually about a 38 chest.

    the shirt measures 18" across the chest and 25" in length. The material is very stretchy, so it stretches to fit easily.

    --- Original message by minya on Feb 12, 2006 09:13 AM

    Hrm... I'm 6' and ~170, don't know my chest measurement. I'm wearing a medium in that pic though (I know it isn't really the best quality pic), don't think I'd ever want to go any smaller.

    Edited by PG2G on Feb 12, 2006 at 11:25 AM

  2. Quote:

    ^^ What the hell are you talking about? He just had an album release party at Union.......

    Quote: A cover story in URB (Mar 2004) made public his recent, sudden struggle with illness, and recently rumors began circulating again about health emergencies and hospitalization. Asked about this in XXL (June 2005), Dilla himself partially confirmed these stories. “The rumors were like, ‘Jay Dee is dead’ and all that, but I was just in the hospital. I was in ICU, with all types of tubes. It was crazy.â€


    --- Original message by englandmj7 on Feb 10, 2006 08:22 PM

    He passed today...

    check his label's front page http://www.stonesthrow.com/

  3. Quote:

    They make 32 inseams so that they fit me perfectly.

    --- Original message by LA Guy on Feb 10, 2006 09:26 AM

    Haha, how tall are you? I'm about 6' and a 32 isn't so bad... but when wearing them with low shoes and sitting down, it shows a bit of sock :P Not really a big issue I guess.

    Edited by PG2G on Feb 10, 2006 at 02:09 PM

  4. Quote:

    The raw 5EPs will shrink quite a bit. The shrinkage stops after about 3-5 washes. The resin and washed version shrink very little.

    --- Original message by LA Guy on Feb 10, 2006 09:08 AM

    Thank god, any shrinking and this 32" inseam will become a problem for me :P I wonder why on earth they would only make a 32" inseam... doesn't make sense.
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