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Posts posted by PG2G

  1. I can't shop with other people because they'd give me crap for buying jeans that cost over $60, shoes over $100, and shirts over $40. I play window shopper when I go shopping with people, and I'll buy the things I like when I'm alone, hehe.

  2. Seems like most people complain about them being too baggy, not so much the washes. That said, I don't really see what people like about the washes, and I also don't understand why on earth they are always so wrinkled at the store.

  3. honeycombing is pretty much just the wear you're seeing at the back of the knees.

    As far as what to do, i apply some starch to the back of the knees and around the thighs while wearing them. That's about it for me I guess... I do a bit of rubbing too, starting to get impatient :)

  4. How'd you manage to wear those Nudie's in so much in only 5 wears? I've had mine for nearly 3 months and they don't look that much different. The wear on the back pocket is pretty well defined too... if that's 5 wears, you better calm down before they turn into holes :P

  5. SUPREME LosAngels



    Address is right, don't know about the phone number. I found it a few weeks ago on some random website when I was looking for the vans, hehe.

  6. Quote:

    I just purchased this in black with red and white stripes (instead of the white, with blue and red stripes):


    I wore it last night to a casual party in Los Angeles, and it was the most complimented piece of clothing I’ve had in recent memory.

    I was also suprised that a lot of people didn't recognize the brand. A lot of people thought it was Ralph Lauren. Isn't Fred Perry huge in America now?

    --- Original message by w_y on Oct 7, 2005 11:03 PM

    That one looks really nice. Where'd you manage to find it?
  7. I took some PDC to a normal tailor and wasn't too impressed with the results. I forget how much it costed, probably around $12-15. I know the Nordstroms nearest me (South Bay Galleria) offered to tailor a pair when I was bying them there. I forget the price. I guess if you go to a place that large, you can give them hell if you aren't happy with the work. Though, I'm not sure if they'd do work on jeans that weren't purchased there.

  8. Quote:

    Have never heard "Ice Creams" and "low-key" in the same sentence before... if you like Ice Creams, why not get them?

    Saw some pretty cool Adidas Rod Lavers with fairly subtle prints on them...

    --- Original message by tangerine on Oct 2, 2005 09:14 PM

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