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Posts posted by PG2G

  1. Quote:

    PG2G, I have the same damn problem with some stretched out APCs I bought a while ago. I don't have an ass either, so it creates that unflattering fold in the middle. Sucks cause I don't wear them much anymore.

    --- Original message by Dangydang on Sep 25, 2005 07:27 PM

    You don't think the ass folding will be less of an issue after a few washes? It seems like there are a lot of people that wear oversized jeans and this doesn't seem to be that common of an issue.
  2. Yeah, hehe. But they were half off, so I couldn't resist. They look better when I have things in the pockets. I'd kinda like to see how the fit is for other people with slightly large dry denim.

    Mine are RR DS.

    Hrm... just realized that they look (and feel) a lot better if I pull up the rear a bit and tighten the belt.


    Edited by PG2G on Sep 25, 2005 at 07:23 PM

  3. Those look really good. I made the mistake of going a size (possibly 2) too large and there far more baggy than I'd like. I don't have much of an ass, but the fact that they are oversized and stuff makes it create a fold in the back if there is an empty pockey. Really annoying. Hopefully a wash will help with that a bit. Also I can't tuck anything into them. I'll probably look into buying a pair of 5EP or Rag and Bone in a few months.

    Here are some pics so you can see what I mean.



    So, now you know... be sure not to buy them oversized -_-

    And yes, I know I need a new and wider belt.

    Edited by PG2G on Sep 25, 2005 at 07:10 PM

  4. I dropped by today but didn't really see anything I really wanted. It was my first time there, so I was more interested in looking at all of the other different stuff they had. Pretty nice store. I wasn't expecting it to be so large.

  5. I settled for a 34 also, because 34x34 was the last pair they had. My other jeans are 34 (sevens), 33 (pdc), and 32 (diesel). So I'd probably say I'm a natural 33.

    The 34 nudie is definitely a bit loose, especially since i've had them since mid July. Its not so bad though. I only settled because they were $128 (instead of the usual $256) so it was definitely worth it. Its a bit baggy, but they still fit well enough. Don't seem to be breaking in as easily though.

    Edit: Mine are DS, but i don't think it matters./..

    Edited by PG2G on Sep 18, 2005 at 09:52 PM

  6. Quote:

    djrajio i commend you for your business savvy and plan to be one of your first customers when the shop opens.

    --- Original message by Downwithianbrown on Sep 17, 2005 12:31 PM

    I'm with you. As soon as your shop opens up, I'm in :)
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