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Posts posted by PG2G

  1. Quote:

    Now that, that is the truth. Nudie is ramping up for a mega-drive at the US market, I've heard.

    Nudie = the next Sevens. (but better denim and a larger range of fits - also more expensive.)

    --- Original message by LA Guy on Mar 6, 2006 06:00 PM

    Thanks for the heads up, now I know not to buy anymore :P
  2. Quote:

    Yes. Definitely slimmer than the 6, and they have buttons for braces on the outside, which is way cool.

    --- Original message by wild_whiskey on Mar 6, 2006 05:45 PM

    Umm... yeah, braces icon_smile.gif

    I think I'll definitely make those my next pair. I wish I wasn't stuck with a $200+ credit at Ron Herman though... was thinking about using it on a pair of SSDS, but the 11s looks so nice. Guess I can try and find something else to use it on.

  3. Quote:

    Rag&Bone update. Apparently theyve been really slow with getting this season's shipped out, but they are starting to arrive in stores now. I know Mauro at the Denim Bar just got them in. He usually has very competitive pricing too and is a good guy to deal with. I recommend going to DB if you're looking for Rag&Bones.

    As for the HTC price, that's just ridiculous. $310 for non-selvage? I know a lot of other companies (True Religion comes to mind) charge that much for non-selvage jeans, but I'd expect a more reasonable price point from Rag&Bone. There is a selvage model selling for $275 or so on Active Endeavors right now.

    --- Original message by wild_whiskey on Mar 6, 2006 11:57 AM

    It isn't R&B, its the store... afaik. Their markup is pretty crazy. I'm pretty sure the selvege were under $300 at South Willard also. I remember being rather turned off when I saw they were selling worn 5EP for $340, when it was $300 at American Rag.
  4. Quote:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that Rakuten didn't ship overseas (as do most Japanese businesses).

    --- Original message by megsanrocks on Mar 4, 2006 09:37 PM

    Celga acts as a middleman, so you pay them, they purchase and then ship to you.
  5. I think you'd be looking at mid 200s for non selvege and up to around 300 for the selvege, or it could be more depending on the store. HTC sells the non selvge for $310 I think...

    Edited by PG2G on Mar 3, 2006 at 06:58 AM

  6. Quote:

    Guys thanks for the quick responses.

    Actually I heard the bmw eletrical components gets screwy really easily. Audi actually seemd alot more solid in terms of breakages.

    For those of you who have owned these cars (3 series, audi a3/4)

    what problems have you had?

    --- Original message by swyche on Feb 28, 2006 08:19 PM

    I don't think many cars have problems in the first couple years, and leasing for anything longer than 3 would be considered a pretty bad idea. I wouldn't worry about maintainance if I were you. Besides, isn't it free on BMWs?
  7. mf doom is like the most overrated emcee ever. Well, second to garbage ass Immortal Technique.

    Lemme just add that I enjoy doom. He aint THAT tight tho

    Edited by PG2G on Feb 28, 2006 at 08:04 PM

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