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Posts posted by englandmj7

  1. Im in Homie!

    (p.s. Can you send me a horse wiff a saddle and a shotgun)

    Hmmm.........the horse I can do; the shotgun may cost too much to ship.

    If you ever make it to Cal-i-for-ni-a you're welcome to come shoot guns/ground squirrels and drunkenly ride horses to the local bar (yes, they have a hitching post in front). You have my word.

  2. Items are completely random? No category or anything? I might be down...just gotta think what I'd send. Can't think of anything distinctly Seattle-like...unless you want some Starbucks? Or Microsoft shiz?

    Doesn't all need to be from your specific area; it's just fun to include some shit from there because you may get someone in Germany, for instance, who can't get glorious shit like Olympia beer or Elvis Presley banana Reese's peanut butter cups . Randomization is key. Throw in whatever. Even if it's some random shit. Preferably not of the fecal influence.

    If you can send avocadoes in the mail, I'm in.

    I'll take that as a yes, frat boy!

    Im sure I could rustle up a paua shell ashtray and a plastic tiki.

    As long as it came from the man, surely someone would cherish it. You in or out? :0

  3. count me in

    is it gonna be total random or done according to geographical areas??

    also if anyone doesnt send their shit, they should get banned, i trust most sufu'ers but this is to keep people straight

    Will be random, but I'll adjust if it ends up being something like two people in Toronto getting each other.

  4. 289yd93.jpg

    It's obviously great that SUFU is getting that ad money, but why are these guys offering discount codes when they haven't even restocked their menswear in like 6 months?

    Pisses me off because I had credit with them and there hasn't been anything new/good for fucking ever.

    What's the deal?

  5. I've started a list of volunteers on the first page.

    If you volunteered in jest and want to be taken off, let me know, if you volunteered and you're not on the list yet, then it wasn't clear from your post, so let me know if you want to be added.

  6. I want to play too.

    No pubes from me though sorry.. Authentic souvenirs and omiyage only.

    Location USA. I am willing to ship international or domestic.

    I have done music holiday exchange on another forum for a few years (what up head fi) and they always separate into those willing to ship international and those not willing since it can be a bit more costly.

    I think it would be cool to have partners assigned then exchange gifts instead of some randomized secret santa type activities which have person A give to person B where person B doesn't know who it is and B is giving to C or something not back to A...

    by having partners it might be able to foster fun e-buddy relations. Secret random partners would foster secret random fun which is cool too I guess.

    Eh, half the fun is getting shit from someone in another country. This go-round, if you want to play, be down to ship internationally. For a small ass package valued under $10, your shipping fees are going to be minimal, no matter the distance. If you want to send something bigger and pay more for shipping then it's your own call.

    this could be fun

    i would want to have someone i know i can trust though...

    For the sake of not having to worry about this shit, it's probably easiest to do this:

    - Reply to this thread that you're interested

    - Once I have all the names, I'll PM everyone for their addresses

    - Each person will be PM'ed info for another randomly selected member.

    - You will mail them shit with your screenname on a note in the package or some shit

    - Must post pics of what you receive and who you received it from

    So, it's not really 'secret' just randomized.

    If you're worried about privacy, only myself and the other random member who gets you as their 'supergay buddy' will have your address; make it your work address or a friend that you secretly hate if you're worried about trust, it's not that serious. If someone sends you anthrax, I'll obviously know who they are as I gave them your address and will have theirs. In which case, we can send Kunk to seek revenge.

  7. This is really gay.

    I want to play.

    All jokes aside, if we can get a fair amount of people, I'd be glad to coordinate.

    If you're down (and have at least 100 posts; sorry newbs)............just reply to this thread and let a bruva know.

  8. it really isn't the season for pubes at the moment...

    (I would tooooootally do this, but organize it somehow so that people can post a wishlist or something because I would have not idea what to get anyone...)

    It would be more fun if you just put completely random shit from your town/country.

  9. Great idea.

    I'm heading to Kabuchiko right now.

    It's business related of course.

    Poo-stained underwear will be a little more costly w/ shipping.

    Gotta zip-lock that shit to keep it fresh.


    As long as poo-stain undies are in my size. Can you send Japanese girl black-hair wig too?

    England, if you want my used panties, you need but to ask...

    I prefer my fetish undies NOT to smell of crepes and moose, thank you very much.

  10. Does that sounds like some kind of buttsex meetup? Good.

    I'm sure some other supergay forum has done something similar.

    Would there be any interest in doing some type of randomized international 'Secret Santa' type shit with like a $10-15 budget?

    For instance:

    Tokyo SFers: might send you some used schoolgirl panties, a petri dish of salaryman semen and a half eaten pack of Hi-Chew.

    Aussie SFers: might send a kangaroo scrotum bottle opener, Ksubi boomerang, and a naked picture of Paul Hogan.

    American SFers: Freeze dried In N' Out burger, shotgun.

    Then post pics.

    Fruity? Yes. Could be fun? Maybe.

    So far we've got:

    - Agent Orange

    - Andewhall

    - AstroWolf

    - Beberthur

    - Cinderella

    - Clockwork_Killa

    - Clopek

    - Cotton Duck

    - designersheep

    - Djrajio

    - Doctoworm

    - DUM

    - Eccles

    - Englandmj7

    - e0d9n0b5

    - FatBaldMen

    - Fuuma

    - Habia

    - Hella Hyphy

    - herpsky

    - Hocus Pocus

    - Homi29

    - iGit

    - insidertrading

    - Junglejane

    - Kunk75

    - Lab

    - landho

    - Larssss

    - Liberation1945

    - masuerte

    - midnight

    - mrip

    - operationjake

    - passant

    - phrost

    - please underestimate

    - poly800rock

    - prima

    - Samsikle

    - sbw4224

    - scais

    - Serge

    - sistersuzie

    - surfed57

    - timber

    - Tyro1

    - VS Toto

    - whizkit

    - xh0llyw00dxx

  11. putting gold bond on my balls is like 1000 angels lightly blowing on them.

    it's fantastic

    What comparison, in terms of angels, would you make to putting gold bond on another man's balls?

  12. I fucking hate these people. . .3 years in college and a subscription to adbusters and everyone thinks they can save the fucking planet.

    That's alright. They shape up a little after 4 years of being someone's secretary. The rest stay mad and move to Washington/Oregon. And San Francisco.

  13. Alright, jesting stereotypes aside, Rand's theory was about as far from refreshing as one can get, if anything it was a co-opted mis-reading of almost a century of preceding continental philosophy. I find that she flattens the dialectic between individual-group into this sort of stilted comic book war of self-powering. Howard Roark possesses about as much depth as Doc Savage. And even beyond the fact that I find her ideology embarrassing and trite, she's just a shitty writer. Her prose just seems so flat and lifeless.

    And the reason her books remain best-sellers is the same reason the Art of War does: jock management and advertising students think it will help them make their first million. Pfft.

    And I find it necessary to tell you to get off the computer because you're going to be late to your Epistemology class. ;) I joke, I joke


    She isn't acclaimed because her writing-style or prose are revolutionary; hell, English isn't even her first language. If you have ever seen or read interviews with the woman, you would know that she was quite educated and extremely sharp. Despite her books often being overly lengthy and occasionally repetitive, her message was simplistic but necessary. With a slew of uneducated, liberal cunts graduating from colleges every year, reading at least one of her books should be a societal requirement.

    Uhm, so Nietzsche was a left winger huh? Heidegger too? Ayn Rand is to philosophy what a strong shit smell is to the act of lovemaking; its not gonna completely stop it but it sure does set it back.

    What a terribly irrelevant question. I won't give you the satisfaction of addressing it.

    I don't consider her works as relevant in the philosophical sense. I just like it that the heroes in her books get to be selfish billionaires.

  14. Personally, I would really only bother with two and three, but really when reading all these the important thing to remember is fuck Ayn Rand. Randians are only about a baker's dozen brain cells above trenchcoat mafia nihilist-lite types.More of her novels are bought by people wearing Affliction than any other contemporary novelist. Just saying.

    Affliction? What the fuck are you talking about? Since when do MMA-poser meatheads and guidos have anything to do with Ayn Rand books?

    You don't have to sympathize with her viewpoints / ideology to appreciate the fact that she was a unique visionary with a refreshing message in a sea of liberal counterparts.

    There is a reason her works continue to be amongst the top selling books each year.

    Shut the fuck up.

  15. for serious, it looks like shit amongst other things

    you cant just make everything into a foam or alginate, and then claim to be as innovative as the innovators

    The worst part about this one is that I'm 99% sure they just scooped that thin-ass awful looking foam off the top of someone's drink order and plopped it on there.

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