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Posts posted by john11f

  1. Quote:

    If you want to get rid of your B&O A8s I am interested. PM me and let me know if you are willing to sell.

    --- Original message by notorius on Nov 28, 2005 11:10 PM

    nah. I'm keeping them. It may not be the best sounding but it's a 10 when it comes to form!
  2. I did not use sandpaper on them, just finger pressing. I use them 3-4 times a week. I love how they are coming along. Hopefully, it's never too late like what other people said here. I might have ODed with my finger pressing.

    I do need to work on the back. Let's see how it turns out in another 3 months. I won't do anything "artificial" with them from now on...

  3. Quote:

    How are the Svens size 34X34 compared to a RR dry size 34X34?

    --- Original message by john11f on Nov 22, 2005 08:57 PM

    Very very very similar. I gave measurements of the Svens a couple posts above.

    --- Original message by minya on Nov 22, 2005 09:03 PM

    18" one side would be a size 36"? Is it a bit loose on you?

    BTW, you've got mail...

  4. Quote:

    wish APC wasn't so plain , they need some jeans wit a design or somethin, i guess thats what nudies for.

    --- Original message by Smackadog on Nov 14, 2005 12:47 AM

    this was what i was thinking...so, i have both.icon_smile_big.gif
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