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Posts posted by john11f

  1. I'm hesitant to post this for fear I might give you false promises. But I have hemmed my RRDS but I'm holding on to it because it might shrink more than I wanted after I wash them in 2-3 months and I'll be needing the extra cloth. If ever it turns out well, I'll give you a holler.

  2. Thanks Geowu!

    Based on the RRDS, this will definitely be higher rise than my previous jeans (also have an APC English). My RRDS really hang low and I wear a 34 but always with a belt they are a bit loose. This is the trickiest part in online shopping since you can't try them first before ordering. Not to mention how hard to estimate shrinkage on selvedge.

    I can't imagine how high rise these will be but it's the quality of the jeans that impressed me most. This is my first repro (although it is technically not really one) and I wouldn't know how it would fit. Although I really like how the 2 jeans mentioned above fit me. How I wish it will turn out well.

  3. Just called Celga.com and got myself these:


    I got a size 33 but normally wear a 34. I searched the forum and I think ringring mentioned that, although it shrinks true to tag size it could stretch more than an inch after washing/wearing.

    I did this because people have been describing these jeans as a bit baggy in the butt. If I get it one size smaller, would it have a less baggier fit?

    I could still change my mind. Anyone else who can recommend a better pair?

  4. Quote:

    Just came back from Japan and picked these up from Hinoya. They smell so sweet.




    Edited by rem1x47 on Dec 24, 2005 at 01:32 PM

    --- Original message by rem1x47 on Dec 24, 2005 01:29 PM

    The Edo Ai is the 40500N right? Can you tell me how much those pair go for? What style is the 2nd one?
  5. I love these:


    But if given that I only have budget for one pair, will it be this over the New Sorahikos?

    How much are those Sugar Canes?

    Since there are so many good quality repros out there, I figure I need more time to find out which one I really covet. But the different segmentation of 45rpm seem more appealing at the moment (I guess I pretty much answer my own questions).

  6. I'm a true size 34 and bought a Nudie RRDS in 34X34. At first, it was really lose and I gave it cold soak for a couple of hours. It shrank a bit but has now expanded but not to its original fit. I think it runs a little bit bigger than 34 but since it's low rise, a size 34 can fit a true size 34 if you want to wear it low. I also like it being a bit loose in the legs. I think if you want it a bit tighter, you could getaway with a 33.

  7. ^^^Also, the reason why I don't want to get the Samurai jeans is because it's heavy at 17oz. and I live in the tropics. I doubt if I can stand wearing them during hot weather. Which is more than 50% of the time.

  8. I would love to own one pair from those brands that make Levi's repros but probably in the future. I think it's 45rpm for now. I'm finding it hard to buy using those 3rd party services to get anything from Japan and I live in Asia! It's just too difficult if you can't understand the literature in the descriptions. Sorry, I did mean the Warehouse 1001xx...

  9. Dear denim experts,

    Considering all the good things I've been hearing about 45rpm, do you think that the buck stops here and buying them will satisfy your appetite for premium denim.

    I've been hearing all your advise since hanging out in this forum and have all respect for members' opinion. I already have a APC English and Nudie RRDS selvage and am looking to complete the collection with the Sorahiko.

    I'm sure there will be more projects in the future but I'm really set on getting 45rpm. Coming in close 2nd are Sugarcanes and Samurai.

    Which one would you guys choose? 1) 45rpm new Sorahiko 2) Sugarcane Hawaii 3) Samurai 1001xx?


  10. Also, it depends on how you'd want to wear them. I'm a true size 34 and I thought that my 34X34 RRDS are too big for me when I got them. One soak and 4 months after, it still is a bit big but to my liking. It's a bit loose in the legs but the waist stays really low. It accentuates your trunk and I love where it stays. But I'm about 6'0" and can get way wearing it low. My only problem is I had it hemmed already to about 32.5 to 32.75. I usually wear a 32 and it's now dragging to the floor. I wish I could wash them already soon since it's getting more worn in the hem. I only wish it doesn't shrink in length that much. I always wonder how a size 33 would fit me though...

  11. I did the same thing with mine and produced the same result at first. But when I wore it, the jeans still had enough rigidity to develop creases. I never starched them but I do a lot rubbing of my hands on the denim while sitting (I have an office job, always sitting down) and they created nice veins, creases in the front and honeycomb marks at the back of the knees. Funny thing is, I've been criticized for "cheating" by doing this. Nevertheless, I don't think you need to soak it again.

  12. Quote:
    Quote: Just my 2 cents, but the whiskering looks unnatural... like a bunch of veins. You seldom see creases that meet/criss-cross/or split off... or at least that many of them.

    I have a pair of cane47s and work construction. And i have plenty of crisscrossing creases. Mine come from wet dirty hands being wiped off on the legs of my jeans.

    --- Original message by rnrswitch on Dec 6, 2005 07:51 PM

    that's also how I got the crisscrossing creases with mine...

    --- Original message by john11f on Dec 6, 2005 08:53 PM

    And whenever I play poker with my friends and the betting is getting hot. I rub my jeans before deciding to go "All In!" LOL icon_smile_cool.gif
  13. Quote:
    Quote: Just my 2 cents, but the whiskering looks unnatural... like a bunch of veins. You seldom see creases that meet/criss-cross/or split off... or at least that many of them.

    I have a pair of cane47s and work construction. And i have plenty of crisscrossing creases. Mine come from wet dirty hands being wiped off on the legs of my jeans.

    --- Original message by rnrswitch on Dec 6, 2005 07:51 PM

    that's also how I got the crisscrossing creases with mine...
  14. Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. However, these creases have really been stubborn and they only accentuate more and more with time. I'm a 7-5er stockbroker but can get away wearing denim in the office. Most of the wear from these jeans are from sitting down. Honestly, those creases initially came from rubbing my hands to the jeans (sometimes subconsciously). Its truly amazing how the color changes when the indigo gets rubbed off from the fabric.

    I can't compare the way my jeans would fade to kids that use them for skateboarding and all other outdoor stuff. I occassionally bring them to the beach but that's about it.

    Before I posted those pictures, I was quite contented as to how they were coming along.

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