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Posts posted by Fuuma

  1. if you look half as good in it as platypus and will do in the purple one (yes homo) then definitely

    I have an older version that looks pretty good IMHO, planning to get either the purple or one from next season.

    i feel like there's a certain threshold which has be reached to give off that vibe (based on the entire outfit). it didn't really hint at that for me. dude is just dressing how he likes, imo

    Yeah I generally like the poster and his fits are fine, although this specific piece bothers me. The way I see pieces that have a strong connotation with a group is quite simple. I'm ok with them if the designer has varied inspirations and added his own design touches (JanJan pieces cannot be linked to one culture in particular, the tunic I have has some parts that look like Japanese fabric while others are western african, a cut borrowing elements from kurtas, kanduras and other "ethnic dresses", elements that are def JJVE etc.) or if the piece has somewhat seeped into culture at large (army boots, hippie dresses).

  2. If he was Japanese, then I'd just think he was going to work


    Well aged jackets like those obviously look good but most people would be better served getting a bleu de travail, cultural cosplay can be a risky proposition. I wear a long JanJan tunic from time to time and I look like I'm going to the mosque wearing this and Rafdidas, in a good way I hope but maybe not.

  3. I personally thought the S04 Finale was Breaking Bad's apex, but id say the rest is worth finishing too

    The fact that you even stopped SoA combined with those previous two statements will be enough for me to shy away. 7 seasons is a fucking commitment

    I hardly finish long tv series though. Watched justified 1-3(I think)haven't gone back, watched the Americans 1 plus half of two etc etc. They're not bad tv series. I prefer the British format and max 3 seasons of 1-8 or something. Did finish sopranos, the wire and other classics...

  4. I did stop halfway during the second to last season, should I finish SoA? More of the same might bore me to death but not sure, seeing it conclude might be cool. Hell I didn't even finish breaking bad, the inversion of affects between WW and the pollo whatever guy having been perfect.

  5. pretty funny that denim daddies and edc fanboys always get hella defensive when people make fun of em

    EDC has helped me a lot in performing emergency circumcisions in dark alleys. All those passed out sararymen never knew what hit them.

  6. Isn't the Johnson-pig in a glass house? Why would that be Corb?

    If you just flip a few pages and look at the cover you see a bald pig wearing a suit, black glasses + bowtie. That could have been Le Corbusier considering the book was sold at the shop following the Le Corbusier exhibit at Centre Pompidou.

  7. Got my friend a cute rendition of the three little pigs with famous architects and their projects and realized I looked too quickly and the pig with big black glasses and a bow tie is Philip Johnson not Le Corbusier, now the gift doesn't make as much sense.

  8. You pretty much have it there. This generation's parents smoked weed and readthe catcher in the rye so now we have to rebel by voting conservative and making jokes about fags.


    You're probably missing the other half of the story though because you are an older person. There are a lot of 16->25 year olds who spend a lot of time and energy "spreading awareness" for various pseudo-feminist (etc) causes.


    A surprising amount of young people fit quite neatly into one of these two categories.


    not me tho cause im too cool.

    I know there is a good amount of barely literate pseudo-leftist morons spouting garbage and I may have sympathies for the rage the extreme-right feels at the current social order and degenerate intelligentsia that perpetuates it but they’re still fucking insane, although some are very polite, well-read psychos. I’m more of the Gilles Châtelet left wing school of thought (he wrote To live and think like pigs, a scathing and prescient portrait of contemporary market-democracies). I think young people should read more extreme right-wing authors as they're helpful to develop critical thought (and some like Drieu La Rochelle are awesome writers) but espouse less extreme-right debased thinking (“master race nigger jew feminist social justice blarhghghghghgh†type of mental vomit). Internet fascism is the fedora of political thinking.

  9. This fight is really lame, please stop.


    Also wtf is "social justice"? I've only seen the term used by retarded internet people and it seems to be a way to rebel against their liberal boomer parents by acting hipster-fascistic with no credibility whatsoever. I know actual euro extreme-right people -think weirdoes going to fight on the Russian side in Ukraine- and they despise uneducated e-hipster shitheads like you and would kick your puny asses with relish. Go read some Evola or something.

  10. when people you like/are intelligent waste their time and brain cells on dumb websites like 9gag or imgur. how is any of this funny ?

    What if you really want to see 50 dogs who can't even?

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