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Posts posted by Fuuma

  1. Yeah I know, they jumped ship for the same reason I'm about to but still, an in-between pair appears to be the right move. Come to think of it I do have a pair of old superstar II home.

  2. Ones I had was before they came back, well I had at least 10 pairs over the years. Looking for anything that may replace them, but will eventually come back to SS when everyone has moved on. They used to be common but now every bitch with a Céline immitation coat wears them.


    I like the Nike Tennis classics, tried to look for a website that sold them but no dice.

  3. ^^ Moving there in late Feb for post doc. All I know thus far is that its expensive as hell and there is a good black/death band originating there.


    Woah, I can reach out to people but the place is rather quaint, however there's a lot of students so you if you're looking for a good basic party you should be fine. The Swiss are petit-bourgeois in appearance and manners but drunken lout if given the chance.

  4. it was more of a meetup, but yeah probably


    date went ok. Had good thai food and great conversation. still it felt like a friend date though.

    She's your friend but you dunno if she likes snails or oysters? She's just someone you know, which is fine. Now get to know her.

  5. serious question.


    is beams big in america or outside of japan (and hk)?  is it respectable-like?  cause when i was coming up, hs/jh kids & country bumpkins used to think beams was the shit or of status, thus city folk or the more faster and experienced jawns koppers/appreciators would always sneer at it.  i mean the connotation of beams wasn't too good before and in tokyo at least older fashionista laugh at it.  

    is beams cool now?  thanks.


    My cousin used to go to Tokyo and China for business quite often, he wore a lot of Beams and United arrows, doesn't care about fashion so it's just nice, basic stuff to him. I guess you could compare it to APC. Le bon marché recently had a Japanese temporary section where you had a Tadao Ando expo, a big Sacai corner and a Beams specialty corner. Considering it is a pretty prestigious department store (and possibly the first one) belonging to LVMH I'd say  the connotation for Beams would be between novelty and luxury in the case of the western world. As you probably noticed a lot of people in and around fashion are currently wearing a lot of basic and unpretentious labels as a reaction to the over the top styles and prices of the last few yrs so maybe Beams is in for Tokyoites, you'd have to check. Fashion just isn't fashionable right now....



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