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Posts posted by Fuuma

  1. shut the fuck up fooma


    in other news, kuma's in chicago is still the best ever

    Blend and Big Fernand make good burgers (Paris).


    Just saying burgers are very basic fast food and it's not really a feat to make a nice one, I can go for lunch but no way am I having diner with a bunch of friends some "hype burger joint". The whole luxury fast food current is complete bullshit, go eat some veal or whatever.

  2. ^agreed on all points


    saw the latest ep last night and it's another cracker B) B)


    Saw it too. Series is going to reach Broadchurch-level of critical concensus.


    -Didn't like how they cheated with the "crazy old wife on a boat" sequence (this series retains certain aspects of trad British detective novel so no fucking cheating, they probably wrote themselves in a corner and had to fuckup to get back on track, lame) although it had pretty much confirmed it wasn't the main plot anyway, no way in hell would this thing have ended on some wild chase in the indian sea, this isn't James Bond.

    -They're really driving the point home that Tony is a violent individual, I don't think it will stop mattering in the next eps and maybe as an explanation of what happened in the past.

    -Creepy old man in a white van who now lives in Belgium, this brings us back to Khalid (he picked up something and said old man was watching him in a 2006 sequence eps 4, I think).

    -Random fuck with painter girl was useless, maybe they just wanted to contrast her nightmarish paintings of children to the cutesy creepy ones of mr pedobusiness.

    -Vincent the fine young kid toucher is a very compelling character, very well written and played.

    -Lots of Belgians playing french peeps although the story is set near Lille so half the region is in Belgium. Still you can feel that tax exemption policy in full force.

  3. Thanks.

    I know they're not to most people's tastes but they look worse in the thigh because I had my pockets full.


    Well your sweater seems (not sure with the angle) an awkward lenght, which doesn't help. It is slightly too long for a clean look and not baggy and long enough for an oversized look, making your jeans totally look like some girl's sweater+tights outfit.


    Note: I sorta like the sweater + tights look on men in certain cases, main idea being that the sweater be really oversized.

  4. lol


    i'm surprised and happy that the pace has remained steady after teh fantastic opener. 


    i'm trying hard to be objective but the (ex)wife isn't very easy to sympathise with despite her loss, going to chalons du bois to poo-poo tony's efforts? wtf, woman! plus an honourable mention to the journo who expertly plays the role of a little shit.

    Yeah the journo is there to advance the plot but also to represent the wonderful British school of tabloid journalism; I'm sure he'll hack into a phone at some point.


    BTW Malik and Julien both wear some pretty nice clothes, I mean the later's 2006 outfit of green military jacket, dress shirt, slim raw jeans and beige suede chelseas (?) is fitting but very sufu-approved. Oh and say what you want about the wife but she went through a terrific relooking, she looks ace in the present while her lame 2006 haircut makes her look like a totally different person.






    Some spoilers below:


    A few things I'm wondering as of the end of the third eps (just started fourth):

    - Is the event from the past Tony and his stepfather have kept hidden the beating or is there something else (remember their earlier convo?). Now the guy that got beatup might just be enough to bring a twist, he's the doctor/nurse guy that was with the father, right?

    -The whole big businessman/pervert working with banlieue dealers to do human trafficking angle better be a side plot because it would suck as the main explanation. I don't need the melodrama version of Taken, this series deserves more (something more personal, a bubbling up of the past). Of course I'm pretty sure it isn't the main explanation considering we have some eps left.

    -We didn't get to see where Tony was working, was he up to some union carbide shit and is this a revenge story?

    -Can't wait to see what Khalid was caught up with, not sure it will matter as far as solving the missing case but they've managed to keep the 2006 events relatively gripping.


    -On that 2006 versus 2014 tip: every time there's some 2006 action involving Julien I keep thinking this is where he'll get his leg damaged, it is a very minor plot point but they keep using astute directing (see the car accident and the shot of his legs -this is the best scene if you want to see his great boots- when he gets out of the car, nah, still going strong) to make viewers anticipate his imminent injury.

    -Props for sticking with every character, when I saw the pedo and random junkie girlfriend had plotlines in the present I knew I was dealing with a superior series.

  5. Got the Ann D Rizzoli books and here is why you should kop:



    Beside a short intro all you will find in the book are runway images, one per page, printed on beautiful paper. No frills, no bullshit, just the looks. Perfect.

  6. I'm really bad at remembering both names and faces, which sucks. After having introduced myself to the same girl EIGHT times I got tired of coming off as a massive douche, so I just started faking it everytime someone I don't recognize.

    Friday night I was outside of the club, smoking, when this dude comes up to me and goes "Hey, man!" so I just roll with it - hugged him, asked what he's doing nowadays, etc, he responds in a similar way and we spend a solid 5 minutes talking about what both of us have been up to since the last time we met. This whole talk was awkward as shit and I'm trying my hardest to place him, until eventually I confess that I have absolutely no idea who he is. Apparently he just wanted to bum a cigarette off of me, but my act threw him off and made him believe that he had forgotten my name/face, so he just started faking it as hard as I did.


    Not recognizing the face of someone you have seen eight times is a sign you lack empathy to the point of being a sociopath, well that or you should smoke less.

  7. should i watch bridge remake or og? the us/mexico dynamic seems a lot more interesting to me tho

    I liked the Scandi series a lot but haven't seen the remake, I guess it is a little bit funnier if you understand stereotypes Danes and Swedes hold about one another. It's not like I'm an expert on their culture anyway but a few notions help.

  8. Fair enough that was a terrible example and dully noted. Now calm down man, it seems that you're taking this way too personally.

    Every time people yap their whore-mouths about some bullshit and they get set straight by a kind interlocutor they'll use that cop out. Just thank me for the help instead of falling into that defensive cliché.

  9. ^ guess when we're on the topic, modern "feminism" which roughly translates to:


    "I can do whatever the hell I want and not get any consequences for it because I'm a girl and should feel empowered instead of ashamed!" or


    "All men are sexist pigs who doesn't understands struggles of being a girl" and other variations


    Not to mention how everyone now seems super sensitive to the smallest piece of criticism and needs to be sheltered somehow. Even pointing out facts can get your ass sued or seem "unprofessional" because you're somehow "insensitive".


    Edit: I realize now that the way I wrote it may come across as rude and super generalized which I admit is wrong taken out of context. But my point is its kinda ridiculous when you have to constantly be on edge for reactions of other people beyond your control.


    Kind of like how that lady in the USA sued McD's for the coffee being hot after she spilled it on herself and somehow won (similar concept).

    Your ay moronz, there are many problems with feminism (and american society tbh) but I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to express with that meaningless rant. Are you on your period or something? BTW the lady sued McDo because she got very bad burns due to those fuckers keeping the coffee waaaaay hotter than they needed to for economic reasons, making even a minor spill possibly dangerous as far as burns go. Maybe ignorant fucks can stop using that example now?


    I personally think that women should shut the fuck up about that 10 hrs video, I'm a smoker, I can't walk 1 mins without some bro or 14 y/o micro-harlot asking me for a ciggie.

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