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dunkin deeznuts

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Posts posted by dunkin deeznuts

  1. haha

    abel got me rolling..bringing back alot of memories...

    flying dragons...i once saw a flying dragon's fight in Queens center mall where on kid hit the otehr one over the head with a detachable car radio and another kid gave him a flying kick...talk about "big trouble in little china" steez....

    on the whole Staple design...he's been doing his thing for a long time and doing it his way, i respect that alot even though i'm not crazy about all his designs....and his blog is definitely one of the better ones....

    Quote: doesn't try to become a DJ or promoter, front like some god's gift to thread science on his blog

    he did try his hand at DJing for a while and he might still be doing it.....he wasnt half bad either...i caught him one random night at a bar around the corner from his studio / store and he was hitting on my then roommate.....can't remember the bar's name, but its gone now, i think its a crepe place now.......my memories getting pretty god awful

    and as far as Tokyo / Japan having its swagger/style..no doubt, they have it going on...but most of their styles were stolen/taken / changed from the U.S....NYC, LA....whatever, but the Japanese are great at that..taking something from somewhere else and making it their own....

    lots of places having their own thing going on and i respect that..that said, i will always be proud to be from New York....its changed, some good some bad but i'll just continue to roll with it.... there will always be something new here to do and people to meet....no place like it in the world..


  2. New York has defintiely lost some of its edge....is it cause of the biting fashion and graphics....I don't think so, fashion and art has always borrowed from "the underground" from Ssurs Cape Fear tees to 555 souls 5 deadly venoms / tag heuer tees....its no different now then it was then...except alot of us are older and more aware...Warhols campbell soup paintings ? basquiats mobil /griffin work..all inspired by corporations but making them your own somehow....

    the main thing that has changed is the internet and our ability to express and share our thought and ideas on things.....and let others, from Joey in the LES to Biffy in Conneticut to Chuck in Bubblefuck to see whats hot and poppin faster than ever before.........it used to take years for that to trickle down and those in the know could hold onto it and relish it for a least a while before others caught on.......now it takes minutes by posting what u wore last night to take a pic of you self and post it on the web..., and fashion/art just cannot change as quickly as that, so fashion/art, get "played out" real fast....

    everyone was down from day one....

    Agreed, i never heard of Stash until Subware, but he was responsible for some key rips/designs, like the whole Phillies Blunts tees, hats jackets....(at least i'm pretty sure he was, if he wasnt please correct me.....) that said, i still dont like his hand style.....

    Futura was a graff god to me and still is...he's one of the most down to earth cats i've ever met and I have no problems wearing his/Recon stuff cause iof that...i never met levi or strauss or know about their street cred but i like their stuff too.....i'll never meet the 10 yo old Laotian kid that made my Nikes, but if i did, I shake his hand and give him a $20 for some food

    the other part of it is people have way too much time to sit around and dissect every part of culture now....we used to have to go out and look for the next hot shit or hot club like Hot Peas and Butter or Sheets and Pillows, now i just get an email every week like everyone else telling me where it is and what i can and can't wear and how much bottle service is.....and if we dont get that...we google the hell outta everything.....

    in the end...

    all non-new yorkers will think new yorkers are elitist and to a certain extent we are, thats what gives us our swagger and makes other parts of the word look up to the rotten Apple, and if you if say you/they/them don't, you're lying....

    do i miss smoking weed in the back of Nation on Avenue A, which is now a bagel shop? yes

    Do i miss grinding on random girls in 16 and then when the lights come on realizing i wish they left the light offs? yes....

    Do i miss having my Ford Escort broken into everytime I drove in from Queens to Alphabet City? no

    Do i miss copping tags on the lockers in Unique? yes

    Do i miss having beef with other writers and always worrying about when I might get jumped ?no..

    Do I miss the old New York??...alot of it, but i was a kid too...do I like the somewhat safer, friendlier NY...so of it.....will we ever be completely happy? no, so lets go bitch about things on the computer cause that what we do!!!


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