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dunkin deeznuts

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Posts posted by dunkin deeznuts

  1. last 3 days


    crazy amount of packages today

    thanks to jason @ flying coffin.......new era and tees/sweats are ILL!!

    thanks to sofa king awesum charlie for the help with all the pumas

    shout to CT CRUUUUUUUUUU!

    rest of this stuff is last 2 days




    the whole jordan wings thing is killed to death but slayer x jordan = effing awesome


    thanks to matt, finally have these cojps in my right size again...no more squeezing into a smaller size.......


    and finally fab four wallet...such a great brand.......thanks for all your help shinichi-san

    not pictured......Wii, ralph lauren boots and Dunderdon J8 jacket 50% off......

  2. its not miko lee that really does anything for me, i just want to hook up with someones mom

    and lucy lui is cute...something about asian girls with freckles........

    uh oh, theres my desire to be white again.....

  3. I wouldnt say all chinese nationals, just them damn fukinese. These peeps are everywhere, I hear em yapping "sa ru neh" in tokyo lining up for ps3's and in ny,
    I blame it all on Dunkin, he's at every line up

    this is true........but you da best spoona..and u know how i love a good spooning.......

    and liberation...hook me up with your moms O =

  4. I wouldnt say all chinese nationals, just them damn fukinese. These peeps are everywhere, I hear em yapping "sa ru neh" in tokyo lining up for ps3's and in ny,

    haha all the "other" chinese always hating on the fukinese

    and i agree somewhat with asians looking for an identity in the U.S. but i also think its a trickle down affect

    the japanese have been lining up for everything from Bape to ramen for along time...and since the Japanese are, in my eyes, the style and trend setters in the eastern world as well as worldwide. their style then that trickles into places like Taiwan and Hong Kong and here...but its not so much a trickle anymore but a full fledged flooding, thanks to, u guessed it, the Internet. and no one loves the internet more than asians.......

    but its also a circular effect..lots of japanese love the icons of American culture.....Levis, the LatPack, Logger Moore, motorcycles, Elvis, stuff like that....then eat it up...spit it out and create their own products, only better, i.e. all the jeans everyone on this board is wearing, motorcycle "wear" like neighborhood, Nike and the whole co.jp craze which definitely had a hand in leading to the SB craze = dunk craze...and then we as americans buy it back, just like the japanese cars.....

    but asians are definitely having a larger say in the designing and creation of this "streetwear" (although not too many people on this board are very fond of) from the Hundreds to Undefeated to Crooks and Castles to Staple and not to even mention the overseas brands and obviuosly the godfather of the street culture HF. So while we line up in droves, we are defintiely have a big influence on this sh*t as well.

    so in sum, this street thing is really just a circular, trickle down green house effect

    and we are all going to die when that giant piece of iceberg goes slamming into the next Supreme sample sale when they open a store in Topeka Kansas and u see the asian population there multiple by a gazillion...

    thats my werd!~

  5. asians started this hype beasting shizzzle

    its in our blood....

    kalkulas, doing lawndry, beating other people for subway seats, and hype beastin........and all our girls date white guys!

    we rule!!

  6. yep hairmates is a good spot

    also this guy on 8th street, nori, who works out of his private studio is awesome as well

    he doesnt talk much (at least not to me cause i dont speak japanese) but watching him cut hair is like artwork......

  7. That's some pretty interesting talk for someone who is reselling gear less than a day after the warehouse sale.

    FTR, the latest catalog featured Eli Reed, one of the illest skateboarders on the East Coast.

    No matter what resellers do, Supreme will still be about skateboarding.

    yep reselling stuff that doesnt fit me and i did buy a couple of things specifically to resell and also to pick up stuff for friends over seas..........and yes i'm asian and i resell some supreme stuff, i dont think i said anything incorrect...i think people should do/sell/buy /wear whatever they want..... and i'm pretty sure i have hooked u up or tried to hook you up with stuff from supreme b4 if my memory serves me correct..but its all good

    went there looking for jeans, tees and sweats, only really got a couple of tees

    and no doubt, at the core, supreme is about skateboarding but it doesnt seem to me they are pushing that aspect very much anymore........i mean i was in there one time and one of the guys got annoyed cause a kid wanted a board he just bought grip taped and then was charged $10 for the grip tape.....doesnt seem that skater friendly to me......but what do i know.....

  8. well clothing is clothing, but that's what happens when all these high fashion non-skaters come into skate brands...

    something i really noticed when i saw the line, that 99% of the kids weren't skaters. not that it matters who wears what but, it's amazing

    ehhh, do you really still consider them a skate brand though? they may have started that way but they have definitely transitioned

    what skate brands do colabos with neighborhood, bape and other "street" brands and is that marketed towards skaters....probably not......

    do they even have a skate team anymore? and is anyone ever skating in their catalogs and look books...all i see is mean mugging and references to drug use.......

    no doubt they started as a skate brand but have changed due to so many non-skaters who demand it...mostly asian kids.......without them, the sample sale would have had alot more stock and less of a line up.........

  9. I dunno if anyone was in line at the end, but if you saw a small asian girl who was the girl they shut the door on, that was my friend who waited for 7 hours in line for her and on my behalf since I'm in Seattle.

    That sucks so bad for her, I feel terrible!

    she was looking to get box tee related shirts, hoodies hats, a backpack and the Kate Moss / Raekwon shirts, does anyone know if it's even worth it for her to head back again tomorrow?

    tell her not to waster her time..they had no box anything from what i saw...or the better selling stuff like kate moss/wu stuff...

    lots of pastrami tees and someone talked tees...the clark shoes were pretty much the best thing there

    i was one of the last groups to get in...there were 2 pretty cute asian girls a few people behind me, might have been them...sorry to hear they didnt get anything......

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