I was trying to hold out until the three month mark for a wash, but we went to a ren fest yesterday and got rained on. So the jeans were just too grungy. Jeans are out drying in the sun now, I'll get some post wash pictures this weekend.
By Double 0 Soul · Posted
Rode up to Burbage ..and down into Hathersage ..this is where i'm heading ..grow up Double 0 ..out of the corner of my eye, i thought i saw a cluster of morels by the side of th road.. in March? ..sadly not ..Hope ..Castleton ..Dopeness .. i hate riding up Winnats Pass ..so i shouldered the bike and climbed up the hill .. halfway up ..at the top ..over the ridge, looking towards Mam Tor.. one of my neighbours has been living in one of these camper vans for the last 2yrs while renting her house out to some Korean academics, she and her husband spent Christams in Holland and she house sat her daughters flat in London for a few weeks but other than that, it's been van-life.. ..single track ..quadrouple track? ..called for a pint of Heresy and a water bottle refill at the Norfolk Arms ..and passed a field of newborn lambs on my way home ..everyone lived happily ever after
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British made selvedge workwear from HoveEvisu
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Native American-owned denim lineHINOYA
Japanese denim and streetwear from TokyoIron Heart
Heavy duty denimKOJIMA GENES x SF
Japanese denimLone Flag
Modern denim and menswear born in southern CA -
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