By solographik · Posted
Unloading a few things, all full pack and in excellent condition. Pics early next week. Prices include shipping to CONUS. J111ts-ch, black, medium: $600 v91-ws, grey, medium: $500 SP28-DS, black, small: $450 -
I always forget about the idea of being a for-hire barista with a cart. I've seen successful cafes that started off that way, might be worth looking into... a single group Synesso would be my vibe.
Benzak Denim Developers
European denim and lifestyle brand from AmsterdamCompanion Denim
Handcrafted denim from Barcelona
Dawson Denim
British made selvedge workwear from HoveEvisu
Legendary Japanese denim brandGinew
Native American-owned denim lineHINOYA
Japanese denim and streetwear from TokyoIron Heart
Heavy duty denimKOJIMA GENES x SF
Japanese denimLone Flag
Modern denim and menswear born in southern CA -
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