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    • I've bought from him twice (S27-AD + S27-PR) on reversible in 2022, and both were pretty positive experiences. I definitely feel sorry for your experience, buddy, but I would rather think something went wrong in the shipping process. Anyway, I hope this shit you are experiencing can be sorted out soon.
    • If my memory is correct it’s about 1600-1700eur with VAT
    • I don’t think it was ever something I loved or hated, but those old discussions are old and that just reinforces my lack of enjoyment for what’s being made now. We’ve seen it done … and probably done better. It’s a tough one though, because every label just want to sell their product and if war denim and that era is the thing they want to push then who am I to complain? After all I make a mean 30s-40s belt 😉
    • The QC threshold is if it’s sewn neatly/accurately/symmetrically with no loose threads - then it fails and has to be redone!
  • Benzak Denim Developers
    European denim and lifestyle brand from Amsterdam

    Companion Denim
    Handcrafted denim from Barcelona

    Dawson Denim
    British made selvedge workwear from Hove

    Legendary Japanese denim brand

    Native American-owned denim line

    Japanese denim and streetwear from Tokyo

    Iron Heart
    Heavy duty denim

    Japanese denim

    Lone Flag
    Modern denim and menswear born in southern CA

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