In line with what Shredwin says, I have one pair of their jeans, a buckle back model. I've certainly worn them some, but came to the conclusion that the rise is too low for my taste. They're def not crazy low, probably 12.5 inch (with 36 waist) but it's enough to make them challenging for me. Seems like that's about where they like to proportion their jeans. I also have two pairs of their double knee work pants (denim, and chambray). Those do have a higher rise and I really like the fit.
Probably. In that case you should at least feel very good about the gains! about the shrinkage, was just wondering if the length changes much with frequent washing and drying. Or if it stops after the first one or two. I give raws two warm washes and dryer runs and then just wash cold from there. Haven’t noticed dramatic changes.
By shredwin_206 · Posted
@vlad_III I did size up from 33 to 34. I think 36 would be way too sloppy to wear. -
Next pair size up! I’m hitting the gym and they are getting looser. Opposite problem lol
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