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Posts posted by kampongkid

  1. You'd think he stole dudes girlfriend or something.

    Me too. Is the only difference from the original that middle addition? Does it add any pockets or something new?

    Judging by what all has been leaked already I'm guessing liner access.

  2. Shout out to Daniel for these great items he's been producing lately. I just got the gym bag in today and am looking forward to putting it to use (XPAC FTW!). Feedback on a previous purchase-

    I got a belt a few weeks back and have been using it pretty extensively. This one is my third cobra belt and it solves my only real complaint with the others which is threading thru loops. Other two are a bagjack NXL 40 and a 1kism belt (25mm iirc).

    On the 40 I'd have to remove the male end since the buckle is just too big. The 1kism almost solved this issue by having a smaller buckle, but the extra width of the QLQR was just enough to put it over into becoming a nuisance to use. Maybe if the QLQR was further from the part that needed to be fed? Anyway found myself reaching for the bagjack, though ultimately just leaving both threaded in whatever pants were most heavily in my rotation for that week.

    The buckle Daniel used here circumvents the problem altogether by not mating at all - it's just one piece. Meaning all that you're feeding thru is the strap end. I don't personally find myself using the tail guide, but your mileage may vary here (and it's conveniently removable). Molle was definitely a nice touch and while I'm not a big fan of bold branding/logos I can appreciate him keeping it out of sight or on the inside for the most part.

    Keep doing what you do man! You're definitely killing it in my book. I'll be sure to have an eye out for whatever you've got cooking next.

  3. Big thanks to Nikolay (@devildancer) for helping to facilitate a deal between myself and an aquintance of his. J49-SS is something special! I'll always appreciate it and working with you in general. You're a true friend.

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