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Status Replies posted by Flipflop214

  1. There's a stowaway cricket in my bedroom at 12 am and its horny. Fuck.

  2. The money coming in, I'm trying to stack a million yen, I don't trust birches with a million friends!

  3. I have some serious cabin fever , it's been raining for three days straight , my two year old I just can't get excited with any of his toys and I'm six hours into pepper pig and about an hour off taking a bath with a toaster .

  4. Who got it better than us?! Everybody! #raiders

    1. Flipflop214


      Well, that's the bright side. We'll prolle get the number one pick as well.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. This game is giving me an ulcer. Let's go Oakland!

  6. just got done sending my latest batch of pms to all female superfuture.com members. hopefully i'll get a couple replies this time =]

  7. Cespedes... Nooooo!

    1. Flipflop214


      Pitching wins championships. I'm good with it. "In Billy We Trust"

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. 1 week 'til bros vegas bachelor party.. Imma get my Titi wet

  9. Slipping into the abyss. WAYWT ruined my rep! Lol

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