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Posts posted by Somar

  1. @b_F: Thanks for the enlightening article about the Osaka 5! Just an amazing story. I didn't know that and I think a lot of people don't know this.

    @M F: Young, maybe. Naive, definitely not. Not well informed and new to denim, that's the truth here.

    But I'm still learning a lot. I'm posting and asking so much because I'm eager to learn more about denim. I'm also a person that says what my opinion is on a subject, even if there is a chance that I'm incorrect. I'm not afraid of what will come after that and I'm definitely not a wimp when it comes to criticism, but I think a lot of people are on forums. Criticism is necessary in every learning process and that's why I value it. Also, not everybody is willing to give an informative answer like you 2 did. For this I'm very thankful.

  2. you obviously don't get the whole reproduction style and meaning of this "copying" of the arcs&tab. See it as an homage to Levi's. And of course Levi's hold the rights for this branding...but not in Japan, that's why there is no problem about arcs&tabs inside of Japan. Just when the product leaves Japan, the trouble starts (started)

    Then please help me, (and maybe some others) understand. :)

    I asked: ''I mean, would any of you copy something from someone else if it was well known and already successful? Would you make your product look a LOT like something from a competitor just to have success?''

    Is this question not correct? Is it unfair to ask this? Please help me understand.

  3. Very interesting ajchen! Just red it all, thanks a lot.

    I liked this part the most:

    -please do not fight over this, the entire situation makes us all at Self Edge very uneasy, and the last thing we need is this entire community worldwide to be bickering over boycotts, petitions, anti-levi's t-shirts, etc.. i will say this again, levi's is in the right. the lawyers are seeing that we're cooperating and they're working with us to resolve this issue. keep in mind that this might all take quite some time, and there might be a denim shortage from a few labels for a four week long period, and maybe longer if they decide to fight it in Japan.
  4. ajchen just gave me a link to this post and I have to say: you could have seen this coming!

    Levi's was the first one with the red tab and why would you copy that!? I mean, would any of you copy something from someone else if it was well known and already successful? Would you make your product look a LOT like something from a competitor just to have success?

    I definitely wouldn't do that and I wouldn't want anything that I created (stitching, label patch, logo etc.) look anything like stuff from the competitors.

    But it seems that a lot of Japanese brands would and luckily there is 'THE LAW'.

    And somebody please sue LEVI'S for copying the converse style shoes and probably a lot of other stuff because they deserve it!

  5. We already got a cease and desist for that earlier this year, hence why the new run of the 11BSP has a new patch.

    I knew it!

    Same thing happened to some other brands as well. Interesting article about that here

  6. I will personally attest to how rad the TdN collabs are. They're nice and thick and everything on them feels like a solid and well built jean. The triple stitching all around doesn't feel like it's too much and the pocket bags are made of tough canvas.

    And the results will end up where?? Would love to read them :)

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