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Posts posted by Somar

  1. ...making a pair of denim from scratch each and every time is incredibly time and labor intensive. We could offer bespoke denim at maybe $150 if we were making them in Vietnam or Pakistan, where the average monthly wage is $150! But we reward our team well and in return, they design & sew really well crafted jeans. There's no quota system in place, no numbers to hit. We take our time sewing each pair up knowing it's our signature going on that pair.

    If you haven't given custom denim a try yet, we promise you'll end up walking out content and happy, with a pair of solid denim that will be part of your wardrobe for years to come.

    You still didn't answer the question ;). You doubled in price and you didn't explain why...

  2. Before thinking of CARS, PLANES, TRAINS etc... There is also a place called THE INTERNET. On the internet you can ask people where to buy something you like without doing a lot of trouble, it's faster and sometimes even cheaper. He tried 2 websites already and now he would like to know if anybody could help him with another website...

    For some reason he asked on the internet first, and he did nicely. so why this answer:

    go to the store and buy.

    Have you tried to be nice once? ... Just a thought mister 123, it might even be fun ;)

  3. I'm trying to find a Lee 101 (fit) guide... Would like to know what the differences are between the R, S, Z and the L (am I missing any?). I went through this thread but that didn't really help. Does anybody know a place where to look?

  4. Hey Steven! If these are both the spikes fit, why does the new x011 look baggier? Did you size down on the x009, did you loose weight, is it because the X009 had a shorter inseam? Or... does it only look that way?



  5. They've doubled in price to like $385 minimum now. Somehow that's still considered a price point most of us can afford right? At that price you might as well get some iron hearts or samurai. Why would you go for regular denim? Even if it is bespoke

    I see, I think business is going well then.

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