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Posts posted by howl

  1. Turn out my depression is bipolar bear. Been sleeping for like 2-4 hrs everyday since I moved town,I've been going nuts at clothing stores and became part animal central for like 1.5 weeks. I have also been drinking like the whole day-ish and staying almost sober and waking up 2-4 hrs later. Manic episodes+jawnz I'd left behind+alcohol have not borne well for my renewed social life here

    At least I saw a new doc today and updated him about the new changes.


    ey man look, from the other evening where we hung out - you're a nice guy but you ain't helping yourself out. whatever it be you've got diagnosed depression or bipolar, you can take the medication go to the doctors grab any sort of external aid and support but the only aid that's gonna get you through this is internal. it's gotta' be you, thats the only person right now that's gonna help you out.


    you're sleeping 2-4 hours a day man, no doctor needs to tell you that you're going to face some if that's what you submit yourself to on the daily. drinking ain't gonna' help either, you want to be in control not out of control. moreover, put that cash to good use, get regular meals. you're on summer break man, go for a run - you don't need a destination, just a journey. set your priorities right, these are the basic nescessities that you have to provide for yourself...sleep, food, physical activity. being on the road to good physical health might not sort out the other side of things but at the very least, you're going to have a good platform to work on.


    have a good think about it. and if you ever need a running partner, man just give me a buzz.

  2. Really though, it took me a long time to realise that clothing and the rest of my life aren't as compartmentalised as I had thought. Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, but buying into a brand without having the prerequisite lifestyle left me feeling like an idiot; buying a jacket isn't going to turn me into some sagely middle-aged Japanese dude with a salt-and-pepper beard, a chopped motorcycle and an enviable collection of house plants. Curiosity with clothes is cool but trying to hit those same aesthetics left me feeling like I was wearing a costume, not an outfit. Echoing what others have said, I guess I'm more comfortable in basics now. I'm a bland 22 year-old Australian. Pretending I'm not probably makes the problem worse. 


    it's a sincere question - but why do people think that an individual has to have 'a prerequisite lifestyle' that calibrates with the 'ideal lifestyle' portrayed by the brand itself? it sets up for all kinds of self-doubt and questioning like you're doing so right now. i've always only taken whatever is portrayed by the brand to be at face value. whatever it is, when you take the clothes from the store and into your own hands, shit is now yours - you can do it however you want.


    otherwise, it becomes a very limiting experience for your own self. people who rigorously try to portray what the brand generates for them end up being robots. it's a whole lot more fulfilling when you take such a lifeless thing as a garment and enabling it to be a part of your life. i think it's why designers are often caught saying things like 'it's interesting when people out there use the things that i have made in an unexpected way and bring something with a whole other perspective to the table'. to refer to myself - i do stick to a consistent of stable designers but the main factor that plays into it has never been image. an image might pique my interest but it just so happens that those stable of designer brands just make clothes that i trust and want to wear again and again because they fit me right (mentally and physically) and they're well built.

  3. yo was on campus, finished my last exams and walked past asian dude wearing black rick ramones, black pod shorts (i think) and black long-sleeved dress shirt. stopped in tracks and just watched you pass. should have given props cause most of anybody in whatever you wore would have looked contrived as fuck but yeah u killed it man.

  4. those look great but in terms of quality, its laughable. i've posted about it when i bought a pair from a sufu user but it broke down within a day i kid you not - problems were exacerbated due to it having been kept in storage too long. seller was local, nice enough to take it back though.


    but yeah, the sole will start to loosen from the upper (happening already ^^^), pieces of it will crack and break off too, and neon appliques will peel off. so yeah, i advise against buying those rafs.

  5. two years, i'd say not much has changed (which is comforting imo at least). most of the initial time spent here was wardrobe buliding from literally a pair of trousers and two tees. fortunately i've bought good more than bad and that cycle of selling-to-buy hasn't happened that much so i'm still wearing the same things i've accumulated. i've only bought new things just cause i like having the safety of having a similar pair more often than not.


    also, being in the practice of buying things of quality, with consideration i think makes me buy less than more - so the expressed sentiments of some that it's caused them to ditch their interest in clothes confuses me. if you are 'copping' right and good, shouldn't your yearning for more dwindle and fade.


    things may change but i'm happy with being steady now. gives me time to get to know my clothes better - i wear my raf my helmut my whoevers most days if not all and they feel like better friends with each passing day.

  6. there's something here about yang li that gratifies me less and less with each passing season. he's done himself to death and looks bereft of ideas; i can appreciate consistency and recurrence but it must be that while holding on to that personal voice, the journey is somewhere down a different road. and where this is taking us seems the same to me as wherever it was when i first saw his output. it looks like a similar (if not the same mix) of fabrics, the same shapes and if any updates at all, seems really derivative of what rafs been doing at dior (the sleeveless blazers; the asymmetrical cuts that look like they were a part of another dress spliced into other things). and maybe i'm wrong, maybe it hasn't just been raf that has done that because i don't look at everything.


    i wish he'd stop these slogans, though i don't mind the three-line declaration on the shirt if only it was graphically arranged in a less banal way - centred and in that font? but yeah summarised it is quite self-referentially, a 'bore'.


    i hope he picks it up, and that he expands on what he can do. what that dantekiko guy said on sz sometime ago about yang li is ringing a little truer now...paraphrased - elements seized from raf, from yohji albeit done in no challenging way and perhaps a little lazy too. for now, this is just something nice to look at and maybe buy but its nothing more. 

  7. too bad hahapete doesn't seem to be active no more. shit like this kept this place a bit more interesting.


    The girl I was dating made me pizza from scratch tonight at my crib and it was great. She brought everything over. I didn't have to do a thing or provide anything other than an oven. She made me an entire extra pizza too.

    I was eating pizza and she was just like, "So, this really isn't working out and I've been seeing someone else..." With a mouth full of pizza (forgot not to speak with my mouth full, my mother would be ashamed), I said, "Okay." And then she said, "Well, I should've said we should see other people but I already am..." And I countered with, "Okay." And then she finished with, "So... I guess I will see you around."

    She left and I ate all the pizza.


    My girlfriend and I had plans to go out to lunch so I walked into her apartment and some dude I've never seen before was just standing in the living room staring at me as I walked in. Kind of still stoned and definitely hungover I stopped and just stared back at him. And then these random children popped up out of nowhere and started staring at me too. And then some lady came into the living room. None of us said anything. We just stood there. I stared at them, they stared at me.

    And then I remembered my girlfriend didn't live at that apartment anymore and I walked backwards out the door slowly.

  8. if someone did pays 10grand for it, it will prove that there is market for it


    whether there is a market for it - and i mean what you're defining as market to mean jacked up prices for designer shit - is pretty irrelevant. sure, there will be people with cash to blow that will inevitably not care what the prices are because...they have cash to blow. the relevant thing here is a case for ethics. look its fine, buy whatever you want and do whatever you want with it but at least have some ethics. that you think there's nothing wrong with it means that you're viewing this through the lens of utilitarian ethics, that an action is judged ethically by its utility or benefits, which is sometimes pretty selfish. i'd rather take a view from the virtue ethics perspective that defines it by what the actions of a person says about him/her.


    it's unethical for someone to attain a good and inherently so to jack its price up by huge, huge margins without ever injecting any value-adding input into it whatsoever in between the transaction of attainment and the transaction of reselling it. one, im not saying rising prices are wrong; rising demand can inflate prices. two, you can argue designers themselves charge exorbitant prices so why not us? well, a designer can support that because the designer, their team, the company has contributed inputs of value into the creation of products by designing, marketing, purchasing fabric whatever. if you've undertaken some amount of effort, that would consider as input because you worked hard to attain something of rarity then that's fine, jack the price up to what you think that effort amounted to. but say he got it from yjp/rakuten/etc at 600...the amount of effort expanded there is negligible thanks to the ease proxies have afforded us.


    i mean, when i sell something off sure on one hand i think of it as a transaction that could benefit me financially (of course) but on the other hand, i'd highly wish that it goes to a good home who appreciates whatever i'm exchanging as much as me or even more. that's what any respectable character engaging in commerce would do/want and while i'm not a designer who made this and wants it to be worn and appreciated, i still desire just as much for the latter.


    who knows bout him as a person anyway but judging from this, i wouldn't fuck with that sorta character.

  9. Bought it for about ~600, posted it in recent purchases and then immediately on grailed for 10 stacks. What a cunt


    'putting it here in case a collector is interested' / more like putting it here in case some cashed-up fuccboi wants to fund my next flip raid on yjp. all that raf all that helmut yet cant even style a fit of substance to save his life. all image no substance. where are ya goodonyachamp

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