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Posts posted by Rightyow77

  1. Has anyone purchased s710xx indigos from BiG? Are there any details or anything on the outside, other than the patch, that would distinguish it as samurai denim?

    Yes, the cut, the stitching, rivets, the denim type etc. Basically anyone into denim will be able to tell right away... but then again does that really matter?

  2. Should I kop Samurai S5000vx? I'm slightly built so I planned to size down, but is the straight cut at all flattering on skinny guys? FWIW I wear sz30 APC and 31 N&F weird guy

    If you're tall and size correctly the s5000vx is really flattering and rather sliming for a straight cut.

    Check the Samurai thread for fit pictures or B_F's sig, he probably has the most comprehensive guide to sizing on most Sams.

  3. Hey guys. Long time lurker here. Just reporting in with my weird guy elephant 2. Got a size 28, true size 31. Might have undersized a size too small but the shop I got them from don't carry a 29. The bit of denim where the buttons are on my fly have come off at the seams much like another user did a few pages back. Getting them fixed at a local tailor tomorrow cause shipping to Canada from Australia is gonna take too long. Really bummed this happened.

    I've had a weird guy in a sz 30 before and after stretching they were just too baggy on me so they ended up staying in the closet. Hope they stretch well in time or should I get the tailor to move the buttons half an inch closer to the holes?

    I wouldn't suggest moving the buttons it will throw off the entire fly alignment and eventually the buttons will pull so much on the fabric that it will widen the holes. I had that experience a while back

  4. Thanks for the input to my previous post guys. I think I'm going to go with Skinny Guys and just get them hemmed/chain stitched. There's just too much length to my liking with a 37 inch inseam. I wasn't too thrilled at the idea of tapering anything or sizing down in WG's but I had to ask. The more pics I see of WG's and "non-skinny" jeans I see the more I'm beginning to like them, seeing pics of everyone's fades, honeycombing, etc. makes me want to get a pair sooner rather than later.

    Honestly it's good to have variation in your wardrobe and if you wear denim most of the time, then chances are you will really come to appreciate different cuts for what they are. But if you're a skinny dude and like a super slender silhouette don't let anyone tell you that you need to gain weight or "lift" to fit into something. I can understand TooAwsome's obsession with having thick muscular legs, but honestly dude stop imposing so much. Not everyone wants beefy quads and huge thighs. And not everyone leads a lifestyle that requires or produces such a figure. It's also naive to think that by "eating more and lifting" the results will be the same for everyone. In the end as long as your healthy and feel good fuck it. It's not like your a fitness modle or anything (or maybe you are).

    For example my brother is a body builder and a personal trainer. He is the same height as me, but instead of weighing in at 128lb and 8% body fat (like me) he is 180lb 5.3" and 10%-12% BF when he is bulking and close to 165lb 6%-7% bf durring competition. His aesthetic and physique reflects his lifestyle. In contrast I'm a pretty small, but athletic college student. My thighs fit nicely into a pair of size 28 SKG were as my twin brother has 32" thighs. I don't train 2-3 times a day and eat like a fucking bear like he does because being big isn't important/my aesthetic or practical in my situation.

  5. BF are those 710s? The contrast on those whiskers is exquisite!

    Regarding your hc dilemma..

    Why not try a little starch (as was already suggested) but instead of creasing the by hand, also spray a little bit of water behind the knee (while wearing them) and allow the whiskers to settle naturally?

    My two cents anyways regardless you cant really go wrong, the denim on these is amazing. (assuming they are 710 are these in the 19oz or 17oz? I know the latter of the two was a limited run.)

  6. Anyone who miss sized and has a size 28 5000vx in the 21oz, 24oz or other denim want to trade me for my size 29 24oz beasts hemed and chain stitched to a 33 raw inseam (soaked twice now a 32" inseam)? Pm me!

    This is what they looked like on me after the first warm soak when I was weighing a little more. Been sitting in my closet after their second soak since they are just too big for me :C


  7. Thanks, I'll look at the S003JP's too. I think I'm going to keep this pair regardless. I wanted a Black and an Indigo pair to start with so, I think these will be the black jeans in rotation. I can try and find a slimmer fit in the Indigo pair if the FH 3009 don't work out.


    Did you try the FH3001? I had a pair a while back and they are on the slim side similar to a Momo 701

  8. Anybody out there with Weird Guy Elephant 2's in size 33 or 34, what does the waist measure after wearing them for a while?


    I have the SG Elephant 2 and the denim does not stretch much. A 33 would measure close to a 35 waist and a 34 closer to a 36, assuming you wear a belt the stretch should be minimal.

    On a completely different note, doesn't the fat leather patch on these create a conflict of ethics for you?

    (assuming you are vegan)

  9. The Momotaro collab was made entirely in Japan but the fabric was one never previously used by either company.

    So basically different denim, NF cut, made in Japan with momo details... is that about right?

    Is the weave on either modle pretty tight and hairy like other JB and Momos?

  10. i just got a pair of of the momos too. had a pair last year that i never wore but sized down on the new pair so everything is where it should be. its a conflict of interest with the momo jbs i just got a month ago though

    Is the denim used on both the NFxMomo collabs the same denim used for Rampuya's JB label?

  11. thats probably the only reason why im hesitant on buying unsanfornized denim, is there any way to avoid leg twists?

    Not really, the twill is basically what makes this happen. Certain brand have different amounts of twist some veer more to right like levis and other to the left. I personally think it give the denim character, but that's just me.

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