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neck face

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Posts posted by neck face

  1. 7 hours ago, DeadHype said:

    I am actually a little irritated by all the negative reps on my sales post, I made a price check and got that offer via dm. So I thought thats a fair starting point for my pricing, am I wrong with this? It would be super cool if you guys share a more detailed opinion. 

    Yeah sure the Jacket is pretty worn and definitively not new, but with a good tailor it should be good again for years. 


    You initially posted a price check for the jacket - updated it minutes later stating it's strictly an IC and NFS

    48 hours later you posted it FS flagging your HO of $1250 as your BIN (why make a FS post if you already have an offer that meets your preferred price?)

    Comes off as excessively rapacious - take that mentality to grailed and keep it out of the forums 


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