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Posts posted by historyofmyworld

  1. what reason is there to drop 1k on something so basic other than the name attached to it. hedi's got his fingers wrapped around you. nothing about it warrants the price. it's a black hoodie. for a couple of hundred more, you can get yourself some leather boots.


    but i suppose do what you want. it's your money.

  2. for people with breakouts and non-severe acne, kiehl's acne blemish control is pretty good. it's done wonders for me. in my earlier twenties, my temples broke out madly and it was a nightmare. started using this daily and it healed my skin significantly. i only get the occasional pimple now, but i still use it on my forehead and temples. it's also great for spot treatments. it's not gonna zap the pimple dead within a day, but it helps to stop the growth and pain. whenever i see any tiny bumps on my skin now, i apply it directly on to prevent it from festering. works great. kiehl's blue herbal moisturizer is great too used with it.


    i'd recommend getting some samples and try it out on your skin and see how you react to it before buying it. lasts a long time. on the pricier side, but well worth it.


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